Future Cadavre

Is that a young Sylvia from Mad Men?

Gerard Manley Hopkins is my dead boyfriend. So sprung on nature. So conflicted about his love of poetry and his love of God. Rumored to be a little gay. Definitely a little clinically depressed. He is my helluv old manic pixie dream boy.

Oof. Union work is so important but so, so hard. They were the meanest to me, by far. I was working a bit as a salt (for those unfamiliar, that’s getting a job somewhere so that I could unionize it..like salting the wound, instead of scabbing it over) but I had to pull out of it when the job reduced my eligible hours

That’s a really interesting point. I wonder if I’ve let myself just slowly recede completely from the scene because I feel, essentially: I turned my life inside out for this cause, and they still said I didn’t care. I might as well just not actually care.

Thank you for your sympathy. It was shitty, and I’m glad that period is mostly behind me.

I bite my tongue a lot about the Left’s tendency to eat its own because it devolves very quickly into a conversation about how mean the Left is about other folks’ opinions and behaviors. I do think that this tendency is hard for people who are on the perimeters of the movement, looking for a way in. Unfortunately,

“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”

But don’t try to tell me that “normal” men don’t ever look at their daughters and think of them as sexual beings, or possible sexual partners.

Thank you for providing this info ... which maybe they could have included in the actual post................................................................. /pointed ellipses

I hope you don’t ever, ever, ever use the word “selfish” with your sister. Because I guarantee you that’s killing her.

Hey, at least the girl string cheese isn’t arbitrarily more expensive.

This video is at once so much chill and no chill at all.

JFC. I’m surprised they didn’t have it be in February. Or on June 19th. You know, for maximum fuckery.


This made me snort and get some brown rice lodged in my nasal passage. #WorthIt

The liquor store down the street from me posts a picture of you on their Instagram when you buy E-40's beer, and E-40 100% of the the likes the photo. If you DGAF about how it tastes and just want some E-40 love, go to VJO and pick up some 🍻🍻🍻🍻.

Honor yr sheroes.

I just posted that too.

