Future Cadavre

Yea, IBR in the short-term, but can potentially double the amount you pay.

not exactly the same thing, but I have “if you say ‘all lives matter’ when I say ‘black lives matter’ I will fucking yell at you” in my dating profile, and I get a lot of messages consisting solely of “blue lives matter.” Zzz.

“I don’t really have a question so much as a comment....”

^^^^ yessssss you get me

How long ago was your doctorate? It took me about two years to be able to read fiction after I was done with academia, and I’m back to a book or two a month (with some gaps in between to get over my book hangover/let the last world fade out). Don’t give up hope yet?

This! I just read a ton as a kid and learned to recognize shapes of super common words that I could flit over really quickly. “Jessi said,” “Dawn replied”... don’t need that to comprehend the meat and potatoes of babysitting dramz.

Or “cats”.

And no meowing at other cats.

See, I was just talking about that movie yesterday. It’s creepin’ me out a little to see it here the very next day.

You feeling mildly uncomfortable because someone briefly eyed you with suspicion is your share of the burden.

Is that super-brief jazzy vocal sample “batter up” from League of Their Own? Because of it is —

I have pared down my friends crew a bit after some of their responses to my moving here. It’s the same shit they said about Oakland five years ago, before it whitened up: “you’ll go outside and get stabbed,” “you can’t walk around without getting shot.” I remind them of that and they just blink blankly at me.

Was this the McDonald’s on Sonoma? Because I was just at the one on Magazine and didn’t see it. *crams more fries into my face hole*

P sure the fear of Vallejo is much to do with it being hella brown.

I got to interview her for the lit journal I work on. The last word in the interview is “fart”. It’s pretty great.

I’m on the fence. I need to see the citations on that part before I can throw my full support behind it.

“There are situations where you’re partying with someone and they try to put their dick in your mouth and you say no and they keep doing it and you never say anything,” she says. “I think those are important stories to tell.”


So does Uber refund their little $1 “safety fee” if you get sexually assaulted by a driver? Does Lyft, for that matter?

What boggles my mind, too, is that the crowd knows instantly it even went in. I know the vantage point from the stands is markedly different from the screen, but it looked to me like a miss!