If you look closely, none of those shots went in
The 31-year-old Torontonian commemorated his recent vasectomy with a celebratory photo shoot. In one photo, he tenderly cradles a head of kale like a green, leafy infant.
I will say that 1/? is about as exciting as a party invitation that says 9 pm - ?
Such a ridiculous double standard when it comes to catching your spouse masturbating. The few times I’ve caught my wife or found out about it later I’m like “Hey now, that’s hot...want some company?” But whenever she catches me it’s all “Gross! What’s wrong with you? At least wait until the funeral is over!”
i thought i had seen burns before but now i realize that i had never truly seen one until now.
We’ve casted our vote
(last will and testament is read) (she is sold to a Russian oligarch to pay off his debts)
Yeah but her alibi of watching Pardon my Zinger will get her off
After all this, Tiffany will likely be one of the main suspects if someone shoots Trump by the sun dial in Centeral Park right after he unveils the sunblocker on top of Trump Tower.
“Mike Pence? He couldn’t even get elected Vice President! Sad.”
Late tomorrow Trump is going to deny he said any of this, and will insist he was never a candidate for President and he’ll call Mike Pence a loser.
“You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully” sounds 0% like something Bill Belichick would say, and 100% like something Donald Trump would say while reading a blank page he is pretending is a letter from Bill Belichick.
I mean, If they are able to photograph the wall and preserve it that way, I’m all for it.
Took the daughter to the zoo this summer a little after she turned one. She liked snakes, because she had some pictures of a few in some of her books (and really enjoyed making the ‘sssss’ sound). Anyway, we went all around, and she enjoyed looking at the animals (tortoise was her favorite).
So you only work in absolutes. Relativism has no place in the work force? Got it.
One bled over the cuckold’s nest