
Bought it. Can’t wait to read it. The psychology of why trump is a worthless wad of splooge that rolled down his mother’s leg after “butt stuff” fascinates me.

He’s crazier than a shit-house rat. 


Raise your hand if you’re shocked Reagan was a racist piece of crap.

There’s something skeevy and pathetic about ol’ Leo, these days. He’s that sad, aging loser, desperately clutching at his dwindling youth by banging women half his age.

Do you have kids? Losing a child is the worst thing that can happen to a parent. Being responsible for that death? OMG, these poor people will be living in a hell of their own making for the rest of their lives. Adding to that would be cruel.

Sometimes awful, tragic, utterly heartbreaking stuff happens and no one is to blame.

It’s like Dimwit and Spork don’t know the north won the war and they’re free now. They don’t have to lick the orange man’s tiny, unpolished shoes or face a whipping.

Mean girls KNOW what they’re doing is wrong. They get their kicks from being awful.

Oh wow, I googled Bella Hadid’s Before photos. That does not even look like the same person!

You know that they’re a Siwanator, which means that they are kind, they are nice, they are strong, they are powerful, they love everyone, they support everyone. They wanna be your friend; they wanna be everyone’s friend.”

This is petty. Deliciously petty. I am so here for it.


In that case, make it his full, worthless scrotum. Crush those goobers.

I would pay to watch someone crush his worthless, empty scrotum with the sharp point of a stiletto heel.

I keep forgetting deplorables aren’t people. They’re bugs in Edgar suits, which is why they all look like their family trees don’t fork.

Do deplorables though? They’re the kind of people who keep their dogs chained in the backyard behind their doublewide trailers.

That’s a delicious bit of shade. I love it.

His dick could literally be in a baby, while he’s punching a puppy, and the deplorables won’t care.

This. Except trump is such a loser that he even fails at hiring an adequate hitman.