
Ivanka certainly did. Her old face was ... well ... 

You get a star for the comment and for being Nanny Ogg. I came this close to naming my cat Greebo. Good thing I didn’t, because my cat is no Greebo. He’s a sweet, affable boy.

I was a kid when the series was on TV, and for some reason I also misremembered Peter Davison as playing James. Good thing I googled the cast first before commenting elsewhere.

I hates it, precious. I hates it. Clearly it was designed by someone who never uses any of the sites.

You remind me of someone I know. Oh. That’s right. It’s me. You remind me of me.

Speaking up and being decent is what made me purchase a subscription for my child this morning.

Lordy, he’s pathetic.

I feel like he’d be a better person if he quit denying his gayness and got some good, hard dick.

If Honey Boo-Boo’s repulsive mother copulated with a packet of rainbow Lifesavers, it would produce this foul creature.

Penis. He wants penis.

I’d be okay with his mother aborting him as soon as possible.

They are a horror movie.

Melania looks like she’s trying to be a drag queen and failing hard at it.

It makes him look more like that moronic vampire he spawned. What’s his name ... Beavis? No ... Eric. That’s the one. He looks like Eric.

Girl, we remember what you did to Al Franken. You and Tulsi need to grab your toys and exit the sandpit.

For real. Mulan is my favorite Disney movie.

I fantasize about trump publicly shitting his pants, and his cult members laughing their guts up and mocking his misfortune.

This is the saddest, most pathetic thing trump has done yet. Which is really saying something, considering that he used to call tabloids under a series of pseudonyms and brag about banging women.

Those boots would be amazing on someone with way more personality and pizzaz than me. I would admire the heck out of those boots.

I hear using his book as toilet paper guarantees no bowel obstruction. At least that’s what “some” people are saying.