
But of course!

I won’t buy this lump of hot garbage. I will, however, download it from a pirate site and mock it horribly.

If only trump’s worthless mother had had him scraped and sucked out.

It’s obvious he’s trumpy’s kid. He has his father’s lies.

I agree with all of this, and I adore your username.

What’s wrong with her face?

I am convinced she is actually her father in drag.

I’m cringing. She’s the whitest white person to ever white. She’s wypipo dipped in bleach, she’s so white.

That’s when she had her original face, too.

When I look at these two soulless, dead-eyed morons, all I can think is that their “marriage” will not have a happy ending.

She seems really smart, said no one ever.

Lady Cassandra O’Brian is looking parched these days.

Or he could transmute it into a pile of cold, overcooked hamberders and covfefe in Clockwork City. That’s more his (lack of) style.

Why not Ivanka? Is it because she’s really just a blow-up doll?

I have a better joke for her: Her original face.

She needs to stick to what she’s good at: nothing and sucking her father’s tiny, limp wiener while her husband watches and cries.

She really is a complicit and feckless cunt.

Just think, that’s after plastic surgery.

Sad old hags.

I just vomited in my mouth a little.