

I often wish she and Melanoma would magically wake up with their original faces.

Honestly? I think ol’ Lindsay was madly and unrequitedly in love with McCain, and now his crush is dead and he’s going bananas.

Penis. Lindsay loves penis. There’s a big penis in his closet ... and Mike Pence.

Melania used to do the work.

I actually love it. Don’t judge me.

I know, right? I was astounded when I reported a comment today and Facebook let me know they’d removed it after review. 

I can’t wait until this slimy little wank-stain goes to prison. Something tells me he’ll adore being a prison wife though. As my vegetarian mother often says: “If Kushner is straight, I’ll eat a steak.”

Worst fictional holiday ever! Like my cat needs any more gifts and tributes.

He’s a human potato, but dayum, that man can move.

If it’s not funny then why am I laughing?

I, too, have that same awful feeling. I honestly believe they’re going to go balls to the wall cheating to keep the Senate and the House. And it will work.

She has no forehead. It’s the weirdest goddamn thing.

That’s not irrational. She sucks.

Jennifer Aniston. She’s so below average and boring. She’s not talented or funny or interesting.

OMFG. Ten bucks says he’s now going to use that effing Presidential Alert thing to send us all dick picks to show us how big and presidential it is. 

trump looks like his mentally disabled vampire kid Eric in that pic, so ewwww.

I would love it if trump gave being dead for 127 years a try.

Unlike hardworking and decent sex workers, Melanie is a hoebag.

Wait—can we do this to the orange skidmark in the WH?