
I would pay good money to see someone punch the smirk off his face with a lead pipe.

That’s Dana Carvey ...

Ugh. He’s the poster boy for doughy, pasty, moob-having incels.

Yes, but what consequences will there be? Who will hold him accountable?

Wait a minute. If the dump administration was against uggo chicks and fatties, why’d they hire Fuckbee Sanders?

I love anything that makes dump miserable, angry, stressed, or inferior. :D

I volunteer as tribute to get down and dirty in the gutter with Tom Hardy, commander.

I love that Trudeau is considerably taller than the flaccid lump of old Velveeta.

Well, trump’s super power is shitting out of his face-hole.

Bye, Felicia!

As someone who is horribly allergic to dairy, I am grateful that there are so many non-dairy alternatives out there that allow me to drink my coffee, eat waffles, and enjoy baked goods with my family.

“Benign kidney tumor” is the nicest thing any decent American has ever called that orange thing occupying the WH.

Nobody will ever convince me he’s not Sinatra’s kid. He’s the spitting image ...

Same here.

Five is not “a lot”.

Five. Five people have to die. QE2, Charles, William, George, and Charlotte.

On a related note, everyone in this administration has a B.S..

It doesn’t count when the only words she knows in those seven languages are “You looking for date?” and “You want sucky fucky, GI?”

*Shudder* The poor thing.

Excuse me while I rinse the vomit out of my mouth.