
Same here. Even our church’s current priest will constantly say “Why would God give you a brain if he didnt want you to use it?” There was a lot of the philosophy that the scientific process of creation and evolution ADDED to the might of God instead of detracted from it. Basically, we appreciate God more because of

White, college educated women actually broke for Hillary. Although the margin was close, it was something like 51/47.

LONG POST AHEAD: I am from the briny North, but at least in my area most Catholics would probably be Episcopalian, had that denomimation taken root around here. We’re “Catholic”, where the churches tend to focus on charity, acceptance, etc.

<Raises hand> Along with many among my all-girls high school’s and K-8 grammar school’s graduating classes. My Catholic school experience was not at all like the horror stories that get described here. Sex ed started in 3rd grade and continued throughout high school, including birth control, excluding abortion but

1. Catholics actually have lots of abortions

I live in a very Catholic blue state and I think you might be able to attribute at least some of that to ethnicity, because I also live in one of the most Hispanic states. Most of the Catholics I’ve known don’t like abortion, but they tend to think its not really their business to meddle in someone else’s life. Very

Because American Catholics are called “cafeteria Catholics” for a reason.

Catholics are very denomination based, there are lots of progressive Catholic groups out there. In the 30s, a significant part of the socialist labor rights movement was Catholic.

A lot of Catholics have immigrants in their recent ancestry, that and there’s the proud Catholic tradition of creating atheists. My experience as a southern European from a “Catholic” family is that a lot of Catholics are actually just “Catholic.” They just aren’t as hardcore as Evangelicals. They like incense and

So much this. I’m an older white woman who lives in an area in Texas that is purple. Amongst my friends/acquaintances, the conservatives are evangelicals and the liberals/progressives are Catholics or members of more accepting mainline Protestant denominations (or atheists like me).

This is only my little slice of Catholicism, but if they vote Democrat it’s because charity and service to the poor is a huge part of the Catholic community. I admit, I was raised by very weird Catholics.

Having spent 16 years in catholic school including two universities, I can attest to the fact that the catholics are taught to care more about the life and dignity of living human beings than they do about fetuses.

If you read her whole op-ed you will see she mentions how perhaps her friendships with other powerful men like George Clooney prevented Harvey from actually raping her— acknowledging the (little bit) power she did have in the situation. She’s not lumping herself in with the women who had no power with Harvey.

I made a similar reply to someone on the post where Tom Hanks said we’d have no content on Netflix if we got rid of lousy bosses. a) this isn’t merely about lousy bosses but people who should be in jail and b) these creeps have been turning talented people off and away since time immemorial. We’ve seen what they could

“...Hayek, as a then-struggling Mexican actress” Right. Hayek has never struggled. She came from a wealthy family and by the time she made Frida, already had double digit films under her belt. Saying she was a “struggling actress” lumps her into the group of all the other women who have zero power in this situation.

I grew up in Alabama, and I agree. Abortion being THE issue at the ballots was preached from my family and from the pulpit, and it took moving out of the state to reverse the brainwashing. It was framed as, if you voted for a pro-choice candidate you were the problem. Nothing is more important in Southern politics

Dana Schwartz is ahead of you:


I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other

So besides being a rapist and sexual predator, this guy’s also an idiot. You can’t have Frida without her unibrow, it’s one of her main things! It’s like doing a movie about Queen Elizabeth I and giving her black hair.