
I think you’re right. And I think part of it is the people who came into adulthood before the internet had a harder time understanding a trustworthy source from an untrustworthy one. They saw the internet as they saw newspapers. If it is “in print” for lack of a better term, it must be true.

This is the most disappointing thing. I have several friends who are now just facebook friends since we don’t live in the same state anymore. They’ve posted stuff that has left me speechless. People I really respected, thought were thoughtful, caring, intelligent people - I thought they were too smart to be suckered

I need a real cabinet - preferably with closed cabinets on the bottom half -because I have so much. I think there are 12 complete place settings, plus a tea and coffee serving set. It seems like I have thousands of plates.

I, uh, might have been looking for one recently. Are stores hiding them from me because I’m white? I thought this is what people put fine china in? I don’t even want my china, but it was inherited from my great-grandparents from Poland, and I can’t get rid of it. I feel guilty keeping it in a closet. We finally have a

Damn. I knew that one.

I mean, you COULD get guns out of American hands. Plenty of other countries have managed it. There are a lot of things that used to be a way of life that are no longer. Like, say, owning slaves. That’s extreme, obviously, but at the time, they thought there was no way to end slavery because it would collapse half the

I don’t know how we got this stupid, but someone needs to figure out how to restore reason and common sense to the majority of people, before everything goes even further to hell.

This was my reaction. What the fuck!? If a gun went off in my child’s classroom, EVEN IF MY KID WASN’T INJURED, and the school didn’t call me, that principal would be getting a piece of my mind and I would be calling the police. I realize this doofus was a cop of some sort, but I don’t care.

I can’t blame her for not wanting their focus. I wouldn’t want it either.

I think she gave up. I think she didn’t want to become a “thing” that this administration focuses on.

I have never seen or heard this. Thank you for bringing it into my life.

I’m not sure she’s thought about it that much. I think she thinks public schools are inherently bad and nothing can be done to save them. She probably thinks it is caused by the lack of religion in public schools. I think that, for the most part, she hasn’t thought much about public schools or the worthless children

You’re absolutely spot-on.

Ugh. Well, that sounds right. Betsy is the worst.

at about the one minute mark, you can see in the windshield as the driver is trying to get out, it looks like the air bags did deploy. You can kind of see it flop by as they turn the wheel.


It’s to punish them. Then they’ll try harder and do better. Duh.

YES! Equality is the answer to fixing our schools.

Those are precisely the choices she is interested in.

Fair enough. I think a lot of the more recent stuff counter-balances some of that. The Mae Young Classic was awesome. I loved the women’s royal rumble this year. Also, most royal rumbles. Sometimes, WWE is awesome. The Bachelor is always awful.