
I mean, Sting is my nightmare, but I’m a lady and I’m mostly afraid they’ll let him wrestle and we’ll have to watch him die on tv.

Hey! Wrestling is good.

I just reported that tweet and three others that were in the immediate timeline. I expect exactly nothing will be done.

I love this description. Perhaps this is why I always want to nom lil’ baby hands?

Yeah, I’m generally conflict-averse. I’m a relatively small white lady. I can’t fight anybody. But if I saw someone spit on a baby and call that baby a name like that? I would absolutely act. At the very least I’d be saying, loudly, “What the hell is wrong with you!?” I would be all over that nonsense; I don’t think

I don’t know if a chorus of “I’m so sorry” is helpful to you or not, but I am so very sorry for your loss; so sorry you went through that. I can hardly stomach reading about violence against children. While I sympathize and my heart breaks for you and them, I know I can’t truly understand that pain. I hope you have

This is such a great idea. And it makes such a big difference. Watch the joy in this video when people talk about what Black Panther meant to them. In particular, at the end, a lady talks about what the women of Black Panther meant to her. I felt the exact same way with Wonder Woman, in the big battle at Themiscyra. I

I would very much like to see this version.

It horrifying to think that someone had to lose their baby in this senseless, preventable way and then be attack by conspiracy theorists claiming those kids never existed. It’s beyond cruel.

I also think the parents of the Sandy Hook children were kind of ignored; it was treated like “well, off course they’d feel that way. But they’re not really rational right now.” And I also think they were devastated in a way that made it very hard for many of them to do anything (understandably). Whereas with the MSD

This girl and another from Douglas - I don’t think it was Emma Gonzalez, but it might have been - have pointed out a couple of times the impact the overall whiteness of the students. They were the first to acknowledge it in my timeline.

Similar studies were done with extras in movies. The ratio at which white men felt the crowd looked equally male/female or white/POC was very far from equal. IIRC, the number were very similar - 80/20 ish seemed fair / balanced to them.

I wouldn’t want my kid in the same school as a loaded weapon for 7 hours a day. The day our schools stop being gun-free zones, is the day I start home schooling (which will be much to my children’s detriment, as I am a terrible teacher).

I’m pretty sure my ‘97 Outback was $3,000 to fix.

We already shop at Dick’s for all the kids’ sports stuff, and we usually buy sneakers there. I’m going to make it my first stop, now, though. Hell, I have a pair of boots for when I need to be on-site for work. They’re old, but function just fine. I might replace them now just so I can give Dick’s a little more

Bass bought cabela’s. Kind of like when Office Max and Office Depot merged (not sure who bought who).

This. That second note looks like it was written by a first grader. When your handwriting is that bad, your brain is bad, too. That guy (I’m guessing it’s a guy, based on the handwriting, and the fact that they could only come up with two words), is dumb, knows it, and hates when someone reminds him of it. Her very

This comment made me nauseous.

I think it would have an enormous impact. I saw a picture of a 3 or 4 year old Syrian refugee boy whose dead body had washed up on a beach because the boat he and his mother were on capsized because of being overloaded. My son was the same age as that boy. While I had always supported taking in refugees, it was

If they started arming teachers, my children would also be home schooled. For the sake of my sanity and my children’s education, I hope that never happens.