
I have to say - it would be nice to have someone in the White House who knows it is best to just ignore crazy people.

I’d support that. I honestly don’t have super strong opinions on what exactly should be done. I just want us to do SOMETHING to try SOMETHING. Just acknowledge that what we have isn’t working and we need to do something to make sure that dangerous people don’t have access to super-effective people killing machines.

Interesting. I wouldn’t think School Ties would appeal to a conservative Christian. And, since it wasn’t out yet... It seems like the only appeal is Brendan Fraser. Which I can’t argue with. I would hang that poster in my house right now.

If I were proposing legislation, understanding the correct terminology would be important. I’m not, though.

“Gay” is also an insult to men because it places them on the same level as women. What could be worse than A Man who acts like a woman?

It also has a super-solid soundtrack.

A Vox article claiming that we should follow Australia’s example of confiscating weapons is not the same thing as proposing legislation on the topic. From the article you linked to:

He was sexually abused as a child. I remember an interview where he said when he was 5 a babysitter showed him porn and he also experienced more physical sexual abuse. His overactive sex drive is some kind of coping mechanism, I think. He’s been accused of sexual harassment himself. I don’t think he has game so much

This is the fucked up effect of toxic masculinity. The patriarchy is terrible for men and boys. These guys who are coming forward with their stories give me hope of real change coming.

I can’t believe none of you said School Ties. That movie was a very important part of my high school experience. I rented it once from Blockbuster and watched it four times in one weekend. I loved him in the most sincere way of a 16-year-old’s crush. This article made me very sad. He should have run away with me in

I’m so confused by the NRA’s stance. Wouldn’t it behoove them to push for responsible gun ownership? To admit that no one needs to own a weapon of war? I read an article on what the bullet wounds from an AR15 look like compared to a similar caliber weapon that fires with less velocity. Those aren’t for protection.

You’d think with all her influence and power she would have just made herself president.

It’s not just these teens. I found this article super inspiring. This generation is not putting up with shit.

I was actually really impressed with Rubio.

Please show me any gun control legislation that said anything about confiscation.

I’m so sick and tired of this argument. Because some people will find a way to get a weapon and hurt people, we shouldn’t do anything to make that harder for them? It’s all or nothing?

I’m so angry and frustrated this keeps happening. I know, we need to vote the politicians who are in the pockets of the NRA out of office, but, like, why is this hard? Can we please do SOMETHING to make it a little more difficult for someone to shoot CHILDREN?

I knew I recognized his voice!

It makes you nervous, right? Like, I always viewed the left-leaning media, like Maddow and Anderson Cooper, as so much more level-headed than Fox. But I think it is hard to be in media and resist that pull. It’s like, the administration is so ridiculous, it is hard to not see EVERYTHING as ridiculous.