
Anytime I see “President Trump.” The reaction is slightly smaller, but also more disappointed every day. “Fuck. How is that even possible!?”

IDK, she loves attention. I believe that Pence thinks Jesus is talking directly to him. I think “we are not going to be ok.” is just Omarosa looking for attention. If she said “we’ll be fine,” there would be no more reason to ask her anything.

Yeah, the hatred for her surprised me.

NPR has a reputation as being lefty, but I find they present pretty straight-forward, unbiased reporting.

I think you are exactly right. And, I think this shift in media from reporting facts and interpreting facts to primarily opinions / personal reactions to events has been a huge factor in the splintering of the country politically. This is why people think they can’t even be friends with someone who disagrees with them

That sucks. I’m sorry so many people are shitty.

Hm. It’s almost like I shouldn’t take internet comments completely seriously. :) I’d never seen that before.

That’s a profoundly shitty thing to say. I’m glad you don’t have any severe allergies, or have kids who do. I really hope you never have kids who makes friends with a kid with an allergy. You really think someone with an allergy deserves to die? Or do you think that those allergies are “not that bad” and people with

This is a distinction most people seem to be missing.

It was the airline employee at the airport who said she couldn’t take it on the flight. Presumably she made it through security with no problem.

Yeah, when I first heard this, I was like “um, maybe just stick it in your purse?” I, personally, don’t enjoy hamsters but I wouldn’t flush one down the toilet, certainly not my own. If she had no other options, I would have been like - ok, I got rid of it - and had it in my purse. You’d have to figure out how to make

The shitty design of the poster made me wonder if the whole thing was fake to begin with. They don’t teach the importance of presentation in the HISP program?

I don’t know what their process is, but they’re all over Twitter. I tweeted about the show once and the show and Derek Waters liked the tweet. Tweet at ‘em. @drunkhistory @derekwaterss

I go to great lengths to avoid going to a restaurant with my dad. The worst was when he ordered whatever meal, ate the whole thing, and then, when the bill came said that it wasn’t any good and he wouldn’t feel right paying for it. Then saying some passive aggressive thing like “I don’t know how you feel about it, but

Two separate acts of division is two too many for me. Move the decimal, x2. The tip on a $21 bill is $4. I’m out $0.50 more than you, but I didn’t have to try and figure out the math.

Yup. 15% is more work than I’m willing to do. And if the total is not easy to figure out for me, I just round up. I had to work some terrible jobs, and some with tips, but never had to wait tables. I know I’m not cut out for it, so I always try to tip well.

I understand. I’m saying with the rest of the driving shots so stylized, there’s no reason to even include this shot.

This is actually a really solid idea.

I would anonymously support this if I, too, won the lottery. If I won a huge sum (like $100+ million) I would put some of it towards lobbying to protect women’s right and to take down the NRA (anonymously, because those f’ers are crazy).

I was surprised when I read about this, because that scene looks so fake. It’s a throwaway scene in the movie, and the shots of her from the front driving are so clearly on a green screen, I assumed the actual driving part was, too. I thought it was part of the look & feel he was going for. He could have totally