Word. I have many plans for when I win the lottery and staying anonymous is key to all of them. I guess I should figure out how to set up a trust.
Word. I have many plans for when I win the lottery and staying anonymous is key to all of them. I guess I should figure out how to set up a trust.
My husband and his mother believe chicken is not safe unless it is completely overcooked and dry. They have both said on different occasions that chicken cannot be over cooked. They also think that pork chops should be cooked until gray. For safety.
For real. My son is in 2nd grade and has decided he only likes “real” ties for fancy occasions now. I mourn the loss of the bow tie.
I thought it was a stand alone, but I’m not sure. I know it took place in one of the worlds of the Dark Tower.
I want to nom those cheeks. That boy is super cute.
Try reading The Eyes of the Dragon. It is sort of a prequel, in a way, to the dark tower series. It’s a fantasy novel that takes place in... one of the worlds of the dark tower? It has been a long time, but I remember reading it in one sitting, over a Saturday when I was in 7th grade. It is one of my all-time favorite…
The thing is, I don’t think these people actually give a shit about religion or unborn fetus(es? feti?). I think they just get off on controlling women, teaching an illegal a lesson - like this girl definitely COULD have come into the country legally or found a sponsor. She definitely could “go back where she came…
In my experience, it is the parents of much younger kids (like, 5-12) who are now playing. Source: my son criticizes the size of my pokedex and wishes I would catch more pokemon.
Exactly. The employer seemed so weird. How is it hard to understand that a person who caused you to be hit by a car and then didn’t even help is not someone you want to work with? And the letter writer was like “this is going to affect a lot of projects and incur costs for us!” I felt so bad for the lady who was hurt.
That makes me so sad. I went to Disney World once with my mom and her friend, who could walk short distances, but needed a wheel chair for anything more than a half block or so. It was amazing. We just got to go straight on every ride. Since she was in a wheel chair it took us longer to get from ride to ride, so I…
In the letter, the person says the guy disclosed that he has a severe phobia, for which he had been in therapy for two years. And then in the update, he said he was taking a break from therapy!
That was one of my all-time favorites, but because of how bananas the whole thing was. Also, that the only sane person in the story seemed to be the poor woman who was shoved into a moving car.
The last three zoos I’ve been to have had peacocks just roaming around freely. It freaked me the f out, and I usually try to leave as soon as I realize there’s nothing keeping it from me. Those birds are huge!
This trope (and the associated “what a shitty guy he is to abandon his child (that he didn’t know about)!”) bugs me almost as much as the “I was all set to marry this jerk until some Quirky Dude from My Past(tm) showed up to demonstrate REAL LOVE!!”
I used to work for a literary agency, and was a first screener for unsolicited queries when I started. If I got a manuscript with this crap in it, I would turn it down as too over-the-top to be believed. If one of my existing authors has sent in something like this, we’d have a call about how unrealistic it is. How…
But it is. From the article above,
It’s in the police report at the bottom of the article. The entire 25 page powerpoint presentation. Which, after looking at it, I think only another doctor could understand. There are a lot of diagrams of the pelvis. I can see how a detective would look at it and think the girl just didn’t like the procedure, but that…
Not in the South. I moved to Georgia in 1988 or so, and I vividly remember my mom telling me that corporal punishment was still legal and that no one was allowed to spank me. But it was more like “you better not get in trouble, but if you do, and they spank you, they will catch hell from me.”
I think her shitty reaction had more to do with not apologizing to a black woman. Like, I do think it was probably an accident. I would assume using that word in a school context would be automatic dismissal. I think she was called out by a black lady and her reaction was “who does she think she is?” and the principal…
“I’be” isn’t one of the most offensive words a person could use. “Bigger” is. Oops. I guess I had a typo.