
Seriously. I can barely watch the testimony without crying. In their shoes, I don’t think I could walk into the courtroom. I’m so proud of every one of those women.

Gross. I wish I’d never seen that. Not that he was redeemable in any way, but now it is all too vivid in my mind.

Ugh. His singing was the worst. That was one part of the show that never appealed to me.

I’m with you. My parents liked the show, so I grew up knowing about it, and then in college the cafe I worked at would play it on saturdays in the back. There wasn’t a ton to do early saturday morning in a college town, so I got to hear a lot of it. It was comforting.

There are a lot of fucked up things in our society with regards to how we treat men and boys. Why do we expect men and boys to shower like cattle in a locker room, but girls need private showers? Everything in our society says that boys are animals. They can be naked together and it is no big deal, they are not

That whole mindset that a man’s job is to trick a woman into having sex with him, and a woman’s job is to spot the trick and withhold sex is the root of so much of this bullshit.

When the Green Party starts consistently holding state positions and senate positions, ill take them seriously. Showing up every four years to run for president pisses me off.

I get it on nearly every link I click on through Facebook on my phone and tablet. I assume the sites are compromised or I have malware on my phone and tablet that I don’t know how to remove.

Me, too. It makes me wonder if her time off from acting was her choice or not.

He’s choosing to focus on Trump’s description of the countries as shitholes. Those countries have problems, you wouldn’t want to live there, why can’t we admit that? And he is choosing to ignore the fact that was Trump said was “why would we want the PEOPLE from those shithole countries.”

How do you separate sex in a relationship from the relationship outside of sex? He isn’t listening to her, he isn’t respecting her. Why would she want to have sex with him?

Of course women have a natural sex drive. It tends to nosedive when your partner is ignoring your wishes. It’s not “you have to do a, b and c, or NO SEX FOR YOU!” It’s the fact that ignoring her needs - “I want you to pay rent, because you live here.” “Nah. I don’t use much utilities, I’m good.” “No, really, I would

I drive a 2010 Subaru Forester. Not 15 years, but I’m working on it. I love my car. I plan to drive it until the wheels fall off.

Why do you assume she’s the one making assumptions? She was there.

It would be easier to sit, but not necessary. Especially if they have a sling or baby carrier of some kind.

Also, between community activist and President he was a senator. So, you know. That’s some experience in government.

Elgin is hardly a city. It ain’t Chicago.

I did not know this. I thought the only thing necessary was the exterior egress of some kind - ie, a door. Growing up, my brothers’ bedrooms were in our basement and only one of them had a window.

Oh, crap! I have never heard that. I was a kid during his administration, so I wasn’t as aware.