And only Contemporary has rooms that overlook the monorail, right? Even “park view” rooms aren’t actually close enough to the park to shoot anyone from the room. I think. I never stayed that close.
And only Contemporary has rooms that overlook the monorail, right? Even “park view” rooms aren’t actually close enough to the park to shoot anyone from the room. I think. I never stayed that close.
But this isn’t being enacted nation-wide. It’s being enacted at four hotels in Orlando. There are no festivals or concerts that would keep you out until the wee hours of the morning at Disney World. Even if you did decide to pay outrageous hotel fees to stay on Disney property to go enjoy random shit outside of…
Disney can’t do anything about gun control (even lobbying would take a lot of time). In the meantime, they can do what they can to prevent some psychopath from being inspired by the Vegas idiot killing a bunch of kids waiting to go to the Magic Kingdom.
For what it’s worth, right now this only applies to hotels on the monorail. Animal Kingdom is not. If you can afford it, Animal Kingdom Lodge is one of the cooler places I’ve ever stayed. The rooms are nice, but the grounds and proximity to the Animal Kingdom animal reserve are amazing.
Except Reagan’s WH was functional to begin with, and Nancy had an interest in governing. Not saying Reagan should have stayed in office, but that wasn’t nearly as dangerous as this. Reagan wasn’t exploding with rage and taunting foreign countries.
I’m mad for you. I’m impressed the owner’s wife could get you back, but disappointed that the manager wasn’t fired or put on notice.
I had a boss moan to me about how much the dude in our office sucked (it was true). There were only four of us who worked there. She was like “with what he’s doing, I could fire him, give you and [lady coworker] raises and still get the same amount of work done!”
It sounds like you have some real pain, there, too. I don’t know you, but I think you deserve better. Over-reacting like that - shutting down any complaints because you being upset upsets him - is a form of emotional manipulation at best, abuse at worst.
My dad died when I was 5. I would give almost anything to have this. I have no idea what my dad’s voice sounded like. I have no true memories of him, only stories my mom told me.
Honestly, anything is improved by being worn by Zendaya. That girl is gorgeous.
Blanket is the boy with the black hoodie. I can see 1975 Michael in his face.
No, but thanks for sending me down a google rabbit hole.
I would also buy that ticket. Repeatedly and with friends. That sounds fucking badass.
100% agree. The “work” in relationships comes down to making sure the other person knows they’re appreciated. Making a point of spending time together and talking to each other.
I love LeBron. He seems like such a good person. He has supported his community in Cleveland, he manages his business well and he uses his position to make a positive impact on the world. He is clearly a smart and thoughtful person.
Yes, they take work. From both people.
I got a lot of “you’re just too picky!” Like, yes, thanks. So, you’re saying I should just settle for the next dick that seems interested? I’ll pass.
This is excellent advice. I have tried a bunch of different ways to teach my kids that they don’t have to let anyone touch them and that if someone doesn’t want to be touched, they have to respect that.
Or if they all wear black dresses from mass market retailers. Let them buy out The Gap, Ann Taylor, J Crew, etc.