
This is a good plan. She is a goddamn delight.

I don’t think she has any traditional mental illness - not that you’d be able to see it from a short conversation, necessarily.

Everything I read said that white, college-educated women voted for Trump. I would love it if that were wrong.

Yeah, I was under the impression that this would be my generation of voters and, disturbingly, it is not.

I try to keep my kids away from TV news and I don’t read the news / facebook on my iPad if I’m sitting with my 7 year-old, because he’ll read over my shoulder.

That was close.

This is amazing. I had no idea there was a Dessert Dumps version. I will be getting this for my husband for Christmas.

Oh. My. God. I think this is her. I love Dr. Steve.

Yeah, I’m in construction (I work in marketing for a general contractor). Because of MBE/WBE and other diversity requirements, a woman who wants to be in construction will never be out of work.

I had a really horrible experience with an attempted IUD insertion. I liked my doctor a lot. It just wouldn’t work. She kept telling me it really shouldn’t hurt that much, and I just needed to relax. I was like “I’ve been here this long, we ordered the thing, can’t you just push through it?” Like, I did not care about

He’s a keeper.

That’s a tough one. I’m more like your husband. If the dishes are clean and the counters are clean, I’m good. He cleans the floors and deep-cleans the stove top.

Fucking word.

You are not wrong. But, here’s the thing. If you stop doing that stuff, and things go to shit, your husband will be able to take care of it, and will be more likely to take care of it in the future.

I’m all for slow-cooker meals, and the concept of dump dinners is fine - you dump everything in one pot so it is fast, easy, with little clean-up. Her recipes are definitely Midwestern nightmares, but some of them you can kind of see where it might have started as a good meal, but was turned into a monstrosity.

I’m pretty sure you’re right. A lot of people on Twitter were responding “I had a cleft palate, too and was bullied. Stay strong!”

I grew up in Georgia and I hate that flag. I thought it was insane that it was part of our state flag for so long.

I believe this woman also authored “Dump Dinners.”

Yes. I watched that video, and his pain made me cry. I have a little boy who told me on Friday everyone was hitting him on their way out of gym class. He’s in kindergarten and it was a long day, so he was tired. It’s not a pattern, and I know he has a lot of friends. His teacher is looking into it.

I did. Kids in lines are the worst. Appointments keep the misery to a minimum for everyone.