
Honestly at this point... fuck Olivia Wilde and fuck Harry Styles. They both are such trash human beings.

Do you internet people ever get exhausted hating cool stuff

First you want me to pay attention to this lawsuit, then you tell me nevermind? Something tells me this kid has been trouble since he was in utero. They ought to scrub his brain with bleach. Where does he come from, from the muddy banks of the Wishkah? Something something incesticide. 

Stop being obtuse. It’s not that difficult to understand. We’ve put up with stereotypical black passing characters for decades. I loved the OG FF7, but even as a 13 yo, I was embarrassed by Barett’s representation. Of course every black person is an individual. But we have a shared cultural experience (just like any

I may have said this before, but I think this Spider-Man film series is the only one to actually nail the idea of “responsibility” as a theme, and having adult mentor characters around for Peter to bounce off of helps to drive it home. Just what level of responsibility is appropriate for a kid this young to have,

Exactly this, nicely delivered in a proper parenthetical.

I think Tom Holland’s Spidey works in-part because of the wider MCU world. Having those authority figures pushing him one way or another has allowed him to act like a teenager in a way the previous iterations couldn’t. I don’t get the whole “Spider-Man is a secondary character in his own movies” thing. He isn’t, the

The people who Netflix needed to watch it, but didn’t watch it (typical viewers) have mostly not encountered these ‘toxic nerds’ and definitely don’t care about their opinions. They don’t live in that particular internet bubble.

Either you have her behave exactly like the male Bonds—a womanizing, martini-drinking, tuxedo-wearing, quip-happy assassin—which...could be kind of fun, but a lot of people would just interpret it as parody. Or you completely rewrite the character, in which case the best possible audience reaction would probably be

That’s basically my take on the “why can’t a woman be Bond?” discourse. Why would a woman want to be Bond? He’s kind of a sad Cold War relic whose (toxic? depends on the interpretation) masculinity is pretty central to the character.

I’ve never considered that aspect of the cars, but you’re right. Surely somebody was driving around in a car from 1925 when it’s 1940. Good call on that one.

Another problem from the production end, and I always notice it, is you’d think people in previous decades wore only brand new clothes!  Everything looks like they just picked it up the day before, so everything ends up looking like a costume, and it adds another veneer of phoniness to the proceedings.

Why even bother? There is no “Sam Barsanti.” These articles are generated by a Russian AI bot trying to undermine American confidence in our entertainment media. Yeah, there’s a little picture there, but if you look close you’ll realize it’s actual just a stolen pic of David Faustino. 

Weird. It’s almost like Barsanti reblogged something he saw somewhere else without having any in-depth knowledge or doing any research.

but the thing that makes this like John Wick is that it stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead, an actor who doesn’t normally do action movies

To be fair, Batman was fighting organized crime when organized crime was a substantial force in American cities upon his creation.  Batman exists in 1920s-30s NY/Chicago/KC mob rule world, his 1970s/80s resurgence is in part a reflection of lower-level organized gangs that were never that powerful but were a media

I gotta be honest; I’ve never really been convinced by this kind of deconstruction. I mean, I get why people do it, why people feel the need to dig into characters like Batman and see what makes then tick and question them. But frankly, questioning whether Gotham City really needs Batman or whether he does more harm

Heath Ledger delivers a really great performance, but the Joker also makes the biggest impression because it seems like he’s pranking the self serious movie around him. It’s a clever touch, like having Bugs Bunny show up every few minutes.

The Dark Knight is no more responsible for crap like the Snyderverse (come at me) than Star Wars is for the glut of tiresome imitator space movies from the 1980s, or Nirvana is for the entirety of late 90s rock. Innovators are not responsible for imitators.

Yes whitesplain another country's media for us please.