
The Chickenpox vaccine is actually relatively recent in the Western world. Bieber, being born in 94, was probably among the last group of people to not be vaccinated against it.

Yeah people forget Carlton was an asshole for most of the first season. Alfonso Riberio just added that endearing goofiness that made the writers change course. Karyn Parsons even confirmed it in an interview.

I don’t get why people are clamoring to be footnotes in a long line of white men rather than carving out something original. As a black man, I want more Black Panthers with their own lineages and identities, not one measly Black Batman that’s a needle in a haystack.

It’s like Straight Outta Compton pretending Dr. Dre came up with the Nuthin But a G Thang bassline himself when it was a sample (that he then had a bassist replay)

I think What’s Love Got to Do With It and most of Straight Outta Compton were the only movies to feel like they were about actual people.

I knew from the trailer and all the various cues (showing her coming up with Respect, the cliche shot of their back as they perform in front of the crowd, etc.) that this was gonna be another cliche music biopic

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Nah, Dennis has consistently been one of those performative liberal “Chads” who will talk about women’s rights and then in the same breath unsettlingly creep on them. 

Not feeling it. For whatever reason the writer copped out of the whole “Stop the Steal” insurrection and just kept it vague, pussyfooting around the actual problem. Basically just a vague backdrop for gags.

Have him spend a lot of the movie building up that one alloted F-bomb, maybe even reneging a few times in search of that perfect moment.

Most of Super’s story concepts make GT impossible to exist in its present state.

Bulma never did an ounce of physical training and avoided fighting at all costs. The entire reason she fibbed to get Goku to tag along on her DB hunt was so she could have a bodyguard to handle any danger.

The snipes at Chris Pratt are getting old. It’s so childish.

I couldn’t make it past 5 minutes of the first episode. I’m no pearl clutcher by any means but it was just vulgar for the sake of it. Boring.

Animated shows before digital were captured on film and then the film is scanned and recorded to video tape. So theoretically they have the film masters but it’s far easier and cost effective to just use the tapes.

No, you just go to The Simpsons’ main page and switch the aspect ratio and it’ll affect all episodes.

This kinda buries the lede. 4:3 to 16:9 was BECAUSE of the leap to HD. 16:9 is the standard aspect ratio for HD TVs

It’s comments like these that remind me that AV Club is mostly white.

They didn’t pull the rug from under him, he cratered quite a bit after that Miami game and then got injured.

The anti-vaxx shit is definitely a massive headscratcher, but I can at least empathize with a black person born from poverty having well-earned distrust of higher institutions - even to irrational degrees - as opposed to educated middle-class white ladies thinking they know better.