
its a tie for last place.

“Kate also said she told five people about the alleged incident soon after it happened.”

Evenflo Dyn-o-mite infant seat.

Ha! This is some expert level trolling. Almost had me there for a second.

maybe its the cynic in me but asking for a 50k reservation for 1000 cars, just seems like a easy way to get $50,000,000 to cover costs on existing obligations or pad their reserves to increase a valuation for another round of funding.

depending on the position, there could have been leverage.

that’s what i mean. presumably there’s a number where by bbc would let them do whatever they wanted.

how much could it cost Amazon to get the same top gear format?

Cool. Got one for a 911 aka the other ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’.

you forgot the wokka wokka.

works for the NFL

With his age and now the stigma that will certainly follow him after this incident, we might have seen the last of Evra on a professional pitch.

For some reason I find this ‘I told you so’ post kind of immature and gossip-y? You all did the work of gathering information and connecting the dots, but weren’t able to prove it out with quotable sourses. That’s tough, but seems like one of the lumps everyone takes right out of J-School through retirement. There

has anyone checked on the Zoo With Roy guy?

whale penis intake? Oh, you mean San Diego.


Buttered bread is a staple in British Cuisine, as it were.

The Browns are not playing four-dimensional chess. They’re just eating a jar of paste.

You can’t just drop ‘Right Said Fred’ as the antithesis to the Jackson 5, without tipping your ‘guilty pleasure’ hand.

sounds like a win win