Letting the boo’s linger is the best way to pass into a Wednesday.
Letting the boo’s linger is the best way to pass into a Wednesday.
She refused, but Weinstein employees, past and present, are still bound by them.
need to get someone from the OLine in there for the peak philly HR
your research methodology of ‘according to the first google result’ raises more questions than ‘why do we still do this thing’.
i’d tell you but i am Le Tired and need a nap
Both of these stories are reflective of similar experiences I have had with dealers that are situated in areas....
I’m a practicing virgin.
unfortunately, not for another generation. not in workplaces that don’t have many women. not in massive companies where the power and wealth is so incomprehensable that people who would normally speak up, become enablers.
who uses average horses? spawn of secretariat or nuttin.
way too much credit. maybe myspace. definitely hotmail. maybe a gmail that his kid set up for some tech xmas gift he got two years ago.
was the astroturf dirty?
I’m there when the door opens on a weekend just to avoid the asshats. in and out in 5 minutes max. 15 when hungover.
Refusing to go shopping together is really the only line I’ve drawn and fight for on a consistent basis. As in, its not something we do together. It’s been well worth the struggle.