figured all this out, but didn’t think to make it look like a real ticket?
figured all this out, but didn’t think to make it look like a real ticket?
since we’re all getting used to a 6 month lead times, this seems like the kind of car they could offer ‘any’ color, and just say, ‘your exotic purple integra will be delivered in December’.
boooooooo.....they’ve raised kids and has the cash to throw 100k+ at a weekend cruiser. I’d ask him for advice on how to retire well, before suggesting a subaru
For reference....we have a cx5 with a babyseat behind the passenger seat. its my wife’s daily, so its fine day to day. the seat is easy to get in/out.
Best advertisement for Goodyear since the blimp.
can’t you talk your tesla, like siri/alexa?
can’t they put them on their own (Delta) no fly list?
At what point did this maker of big boats, not know the big boat wouldn’t fit under the bridge that’s down the river?
can’t wait until he literally tries to reinvent the wheel
prior to our last car purchase, we rented the cars we were cross-shopping for a few days. best desision ever.
Bugatti customer service at 1-703-826-7545
If you have the means, i highly suggest getting all your underpants gilded. Much cheaper than a trip to space and it absolutely does give one the sense of wonder and a realization of the mind-numbing scale of the cosmos.
you know, the nissan murano cabriolet was just ahead of its time.
a different conclusion would be, this only looks good when you’re about to be run over by it.
does it come with one of these ‘chips’ that i’ve heard so much about?
don’t forget a clipboard and some oakley’s
what’s your over/under on the Maverick delivery date?