
seemingly there’s one large umbrella truther movement and this guy is the president/CEO


Limiting how much kids can practice heading until they are 14 will lead to slower development of an integral soccer skill.

he’s having more fun than everyone

if it’s in rural USofA, i’m taking the under. it’s a little harder to get grade A cow manure in the city.

i love process, so the idea that this probably started in a brainstorming session, got approved, went through a committee, got approved, was sent to a producer, got strange looks from a producer, probably went through a few edits, was sent out to a test group, got positive feedback, got final approval…and is still an

chelsea had 12 games decided by 1 goal or less after Jan 1 of last year. this year, they look bad, but it’s possible that teams have just gotten better and the breaks that propelled them aren’t falling their way. this seems like a glitch rather than a plague.

i’m guessing there’s plenty of self inflicted injury

just a few more weeks and the trophey will be....ah fuck it’s only November.

As always, if it works he’s a genius...if not he’s either Terry Collins or Pete Carrol. At least he went with his ace.

________’s Explanation For Their ______ Bribery Scandal Makes No Sense

Maybe if they gave him a raise he wouldn’t have to be a paid shill for scammy gambling sites.

Now playing

no blast shield but Jordan Matthews has him beat...

buying a rapidly depreciating asset with cash is a terrible idea. period. even if there’s small percentage.

the only way you could ever write that, is if you hit the middle button on the ‘suggested’ row, over and over and over again.

I made the stupid mistake of buying a pair of shoes that were not Asics GT-2000’s

the question, as always, is who’s going to build the wall?

“Looked like warmed-over death,” added Vinatieri. “trust me.”

over/under on the headline......kop for klopp? klopp for kop.

well that’s a boring (almost certainly correct) answer.