If you keep Nazi stuff around your house and people chance upon it, you will always have to explain it.
Pro-tip: get out and do it yourself. that either gets them moving faster or you get it yourself. plead ignorance when he stares daggers.
i’m giving the slight edge to the clip of the guy who dressed up as a bear.
Rodgers or Kelly, who is running a more dysfunctional ship?
Even offsite storage insures value. This should really be run like a bank, where the lot holds your possession and makes a margin. And negligible interest is measured in convenience and the lack of parking tickets.
too bad he’s not in the nfc east.
Someone sold them on the idea that red bull could be used for fuel.
as someone who has frantically put my phone into airplane mode after hitting send on a regrettable email in the hopes of having it get caught in the outbox, i enjoy this set of comments.
hmm...if he’s had it many times and “liked it”, but told you its “too risky”, he may not be “fucking with you”. just sayin.
No Doubt!
roughly $100 worth of Popeye’s.
Out of the—one, two, give me a minute—nine people I’ve slept with or dated this year, three have been fat.
seems like a fun concept but a little unfeasible once you get into the minutia. Not sure 10 people are going to commit to the O and D lines. Perhaps a ‘backyard’ mode where you can play 4 on 4 or 7 on 7 with a ‘Mississippi’ clock for rushing the OB.
just for educational purposes....it’s a longer list that you’d think.
Granted the eddie bauer edition explorer hit the target audience fairly well by just making it beige but this is a huge opportunity missed. This is one of the few cars/clients where you could add an obscene amount of stuff (one-off paint, wheels, carbon everything, oil slick, hidden compartments....) and make 100 of…