‘own goal’ is the best striker on Arsenal, so she’s got options.
‘own goal’ is the best striker on Arsenal, so she’s got options.
seems to have touched a nerve? It was bound to get lit up on youtube considering the overalap of audiences.
Patience. Of course they’ll sell him. with all the extra cash, it’s a sellers market. if Chelsea offer 40, they will have doubled the offer just by saying no. AND that’s all before Terry’s current form.
If everyone had at least a few hours in food service this would never happen.
Easy....”He’s from New Jersey.”
he’s not wrong.
not for a million? usually regrettable sex is just followed by a hangover, awkwardness and breakfast sandwich.
real life fifa fail?
i still can not believe people would be dumb enough to use corporate addresses. especially at these large companies which are fairly transparent about monitoring everything.
this kid is a fucking legend
don’t enter your email in there. you’re signing yourself up for all kinds of spam.
so what’s the distance from the mound to the plate in official wiffle ball? It kind of looks like the equivalent of a 90 mph upside-down curve ball in mlb.
at 6 seconds, right edge....is that a 79 mph wiffle ball pitch?
You can have your fancy Pebble Beach millionaire cars and your McLaren 650S.
I think its interesting to see the entirety of the creative process. I also think its a wonderful learning experience to see your idols’ flaws, missteps and through that process, to see their growth. These kinds of things pull back the curtain a bit. You can still close it, put on some headphones and enjoy the albums.