Something a bit like this?
This would have been a lot funnier if you had someone doing j turns and burnouts at the end and editing is some b.s. clips of the new drivers in the seats.
Alu-mini-um is how it’s properly pronounced in Englad and apparently doucheland.
This might be the dumbest video anyone has ever made.
I've never raced anyone with people in my car. Douchebag.
Are we sure it was from TTAC and not TheOnion?
Kill all the old 911s. They’ve had their time.
No stupid deadlines to meet. Enough with the hotrods already. Build something other than American resto-mods. Pretty much just give Marty and Moog a TV show. I would also gladly watch any Petrolicious program for any extended period of time, but I don’t think that qualifies as ‘reality tv'.
mmmmmm cultural bacon *gurgle
A story of how Mr. DeMuro found free long-term parking near the Philadelphia airport.
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man. ;)
I’m afraid of giving female supermodels back massages.
Hey! You're a winner.
Excuse me, this is awesome.
Martin Luther would drive a Honda Accord, that would be in imitation of the apostles who were said to be in “one Accord”. Or he could copy King David by driving a Triumph Spitfire, it is also said that “David’s Triumph could be heard throughout the land”. Or if he was really ballsy he could copy God himself by driving…