And it’ll go 185, but I lost my license so now I don’t drive
What lady?
I just asked my 3 1/2 year old son this yesterday after he told me he wanted a Bugatti and a Camry. He gave me a funny look and said, “I like cars because they’re cars.”
...I steered over into pit lane. “You don’t have to put on your turn signal,” Jordan said.
Unless the parking brake is shot too...
When I arrived in Austin to pick Patrick Geroge up for the second half of this grand journey...
Ha, I missed your comment. Had the same idea.
Doug, if you need an endorsement for the next book, I think this is your man.
Longroof Revival
The Beige Guide or Camry Connoisseur.
Zen and the Art of Alfa Repair Weekly. Or daily.
Patrick, could you please tell Alfa that they can just bring them to my house? Thanks.
Lol. I guess that’s an April Fools joke from a few years ago.
That’s gotta be photoshop, no? That doesn’t actually exist?
100% agree. I was going to suggest it if no one had. Online pics look truly awful. But I finally saw one driving around and it looks amazing. It’s so wide and low that it just looks sexy and a little mean.
I think they came that way standard from the factory.