
Correction: Whataburger.

Things got really tense when both vehicles wound up in line at a nearby Checkers.

Can they just fire him at this point? I don’t know if it’s pride getting in the way, but he’s been daring it for months, maybe even years, now. There’s no way he forgot about ESPN giving Caitlyn Jenner an award last summer.

Holy shit that is a terrible offsides call

As a sign of solidarity, Wambach’s former teammate Hope Solo murdered a homeless man.

Yeah, I’m a tall guy with big hands and a butt large enough to occupy the seat. My knees are already typically higher than my hips while porcelain seated.

Young fella would’ve never seen the court in the fourth quarter if Byron Scott still coached New Orleans.

Normally keepers do stay inside the 18 yard box no matter what. If you look at the second run through of the goal in the video, he’s not even that far out of the box when it gets stolen and kicked - maybe a few yards or so.

My guess (not knowing anything about Cameroon’s tactics) is that because they’re playing such a

God dammit.

“With the 29th pick in the 2016 NBA draft, Gregg Popovich personally selects Taurean Prince, Baylor.”

Counterpoint: if Dan Snyder can't make having a moat lame, nobody can.

I mean for real, who the hell doesn’t like moats? Apparently the hot take guys at Deadspin lol.

disclaimer: I didn’t read the article

Why can’t he have both? Hell, in this case, all three.

1. Upfront money, aka a raise.
2. Cap flexibility for the team to make a last run around him.

It’s been Affirmed? — RIP Barbaro.

Fittingly, the jersey also displays the two maneuvers Aaron Gordon apparently needed to perform in order to win tonight.

I have no idea what any of the words in that headline mean.

You are correct, it wasn’t a “rubber match” not because of your understanding but because it was between two Catholic schools.

The only way a baby learns is if you read to it. You’ve heard the old saying: “Give a man a baby, he’ll read for days—teach a man to read, the library still closes at 10 p.m. and he’s not allowed to sleep there, sorry, but those are the rules.”

I went to a school in a redneck town that borders a mid size city, and we competed against city schools. Opposing students would throw corn at us, which I thought was terrific.