
Oh man I feel the Rick and Morty shame DEEPLY. 

Unofficially at certain game studios, there’s the TTP or “Time Till Penis” metric

She freaking RULED in that show. Honestly, I’ve never been able to watch her in anything else without thinking about her as the Shadow King. 

Just loaded it up. The title screen has “The Final Draft” above “continue” and once selecting it, has a difficulty option. So yes.

1 game selling well doesn’t prove anything. It needs to be consistent and it needs to not be widely available elsewhere. Let’s be honest, the Steam crowd isn’t going to jump ship to GamePass for 1 game.

no one got the joke

To be fair, she’s tremendously talented, and he’s Zachary Levi.

I read this in Ron Howard’s voice. Can recommend. 

The NPC only told me to throw them a stick after I already was down there. So I indeed died. And I can’t even make any headway getting closer to safety. I guess I’ll have to restart the entire chapter...

Aww...I was wishing for it to be a side-story focusing on the adventures of Jackass.

I hope Season 2 is just a copy paste of Season 1, and you cant watch S3 till you've sat through both.

I’m on the opposite end, still sticking with the Aerospray for the third time because nothing else feels good to use. I’m bad at getting kills, so why not spec all the way into coverage? Honestly can’t stand matches against people with “killing” weapons, it’s a valid strategy to keep the other team down but it’s so

“Whistle toning”?


I remember when the PS5 first came out people were making jokes that they finally managed to get one with this picture that started making the rounds:

Probably cause most Juneteenth celebratory stuff is being done as a last minute, half assed cash in. Companies trying too hard to be woke or whatever. So of course it got crammed through QA.

I totally agree with this. I picked up a series x, (in a temper tantrum that I couldn’t score another ps5) and haven’t been in the Xbox ecosystem since the OG. I also got the 3 years for a buck and think it’s absolutely amaze-ballz. I work full time, and am a single dad to 2 daughters so I don’t get a whole lot of

Let’s call it what it is, The Medium is a mediocre game in the truest sense of the word, its not particularly good at anything, but its no bad at anything either. If that was their stellar game to prove themselves worthy of Silent Hill, then they failed.

So Pablo Schreiber’s default look then.   The guy has resting “huh?” face

I still have my 5th Gen iPod.  So, does this mean in the next iTunes iteration they’re just going to yank support and get rid of them?  What will I use as a portable music player when I have to start going back into the office and need something to listen to when I’m not on the phone?