Unorthodox economic revenge.
Unorthodox economic revenge.
Sorry friend, but...
I have been loving the game, but when it comes to some of those massive bosses at certain points, the level jump is insane.
I’m glad you asked this, because we’re in the exact same boat.
Yeah, those two replies were ridiculously over the top and idiotic. Not sure ehy they were personally offended by your decision...
yeah, i’m with you man. Swearing off a movie where there is good reason to believe it will be a waste of your time and money is not some sort of bigoted capital crime. Bad movies deserve to make less $$. That’s the only way stuff gets better.
It can! They renamed it “Homeworld: Emergence” due to conflicts with Activision. GOG did some of the work in getting it going on modern systems, and you can get it through them!
It is full price, but the studio themselves were working on a shorter budget.
Somewhere, a monkey’s paw just curled one finger.
Yeah, a friend of mine moved from Florida to Seattle 6 months ago and has been insta-flexing on all the awesome hiking and views of Mt. Rainier.
Most of the bigger Games Workshop stores--lol if you can find one--will let you do exactly this with their in-store armies.
Man, Heisenberg being voiced by the same guy who did RE3make’s Nicholai really threw me off.
Even if it was still just Fuchikoma gameplay
I think part of the problem is people are being fast and loose with their interpretation of what other people are asking for. Smug “git gud” gamers hear about people complaining about a “save system” and immediately jump to the conclusion that people want like a series of save files that you could easily save scum and…
It would have been better as a book or a show, rather than as a game.
thanks to game pass a lot of people got automata without getting nier gestalt. With replicant your worst fears will come to life (I almost nearly fell into this trap) so brace yourself.
In Chrome you can right click on a tab and there’s a “Mute Site” option that does the same thing, AFAICT.
Are they still actively working on finishing this game?
Which one do you live in now? I’m in Chilliwack
Oh shit, helloo from the interior/fraser valley!