
I like the non-inverted controls for the main game, but if I’m flying, I want inverted. Can you set it just for chocobo gliding? 

What about the chicken catcher? Uuuugh.

This is a bit like when I went from being a big Rick and Morty fan to discovering what the vocal fanbase online was like. I love goofy pervy games (Bayonetta, Oneechanbara, etc), and they’re fun, but now a large group has latched onto this like it’s Anti-Woke Jesus or some garbage, and I’ll still get the game and most

True, there are those situations (and Sony does put many games on PC, eventually (to various levels of quality...)), but EGS is a service, not a physical platform, so it’s not a direct comparison. 

Sony (and Xbox and Nintendo) get like $10-$15 for every game sold on their console. Exclusivity profitability is nice, but the main goal is to get people to buy your console, so they buy other games on your console. You get the biggest profit on the games you didn’t fund - it’s basically free money.
So I don’t know...

Hey, any idea if you need extra space to DL a PS5 game? like if it’s 145GB, do you need 180GB free or something like that? I had issues on PS4 (and WiiU >_> ) where it needed extra space. I should probably just clear 200GB to be safe...

Any idea if the Nibelheim portion sets any event triggers, etc, that could have longer lasting effects? I saw something about ‘eating too much before dinner’ and there’s going through Tifa’s closet... that felt like it might affect some kind of affinity.

Jessie loves Cloud like crazy and will say anything to get his approval. 

Any idea if anything we do in the demo that carries over influences things like the Saucer Date? 

They often have been load-time hiders, but a 30 second load time on a PS5-exclusive is almost impossible for a well-made title (which FF7 appears to be), especially given the load times of the demo from menu to in-game.

What’s the install size??
It sounds amazing, and I’m getting it day one, but I need to know how much space to clear this weekend :D

I mean.. you could also just enjoy something that’s not very good, and understand why many were disappointed. As a horror movie fan, I enjoy lots of objectively bad movies. But hey, I’m obsessed with being the cool guy who -likes- everything. :P

Fwiw, most of the chase sequences seem to have flashlights on the ground that give a hint on the direction you should go. Always run to the light.
The final one is a bit more annoying. While the phone gives you some indication of where the pickup is, you still have to get to the vicinity. Following the light seems to

I also wondered that. The only tie is a single memo. I don’t think it’s made stronger, but also probably not weakened by slapping the SH name on it. It doesn’t feel compromised, at least.

Played it last night. It’s less than 2 hours, and is pretty, and worth what they charge, but not much more. Definitely a walking sim, a couple annoying chase sequences.
I don’t think they handled the suicide themes particularly well, and the Silent Hill connection is so tenuous and isolated, I wouldn’t be surprised to

I’m kind of intrigued by this game. It’s quite pretty, and looks like it could be fun, but I sure hope it’s Bayonetta-solid in the gameplay. I would rather it was more Nier than Dark Souls, especially if it’s going to be a bit janky.

You’re right to be wary, especially of Konami, but all these games are done by different studios, and some have been in development for years already.
I’m cautiously optimistic at best, because Konami, but none of the products have the stink of ‘rushed’ yet...

Just imagine.. what if it was PT but with -no- skin :O

But it’s free! Free! Is it milking it if it’s free? If you get the milk for free, then why buy the Cownami? Pretty sure I’ve heard that before.

We’ll see if it’s good, but Konami may have learned something about public relations, and this could potentially sway opinions...

I’ll definitely try it, since it’s free (I will not be surprised if it somehow has a battle pass tho :P ). As much as I dislike Konami, I love Silent Hill, and I will come crawling back if they make things that are actually -good-.