
Does the fact that she didn’t name/accuse any specific people (so no one was falsely arrested) factor into this? I’m not sure how it works, and this is pretty shitty that she gets away with it, but I’m trying to figure out if there’s a way this seems somehow reasonable from a legal perspective.

“Do they mind not having free elections?” Well, there’s clearly an ability to challenge for power (seen twice (or 3 times, depending on how you count)).
And I’ll take King T’Challa over what democracy produces these days...

Wow, the game is only 8 years old. It feels like it’s been a part of my life a lot longer. I guess I can’t play the “times were different” card, but you know... add 10 years for Japan? Look at Persona 5...

I think they’re throwing shade at Final Fantasy XV...

CHUDs. Definitely CHUDs.

Fucking metric dozens.

It’s the winter olympics. There are no olympics whiter and gayer than the winter olympics. Who doesn’t know this already?

Reportedly they were mostly through filming before they were told they were now a Cloverfield movie, so the Cloverfield connections are as tacked-on as you think they are.

I don’t think this is a place I would use “hard sci-fi” but maybe that’s just me.

Taken as a parody of movies like Event Horizon, it’s a fun and hilarious show. I laughed a lot, and it was enjoyable (although I don’t think this aspect was intended). The eyeball scene and the whole arm sequence were very funny.

I do audio programming... less demand. heh. especially in mobile.

I’m in it just to see how far they can go with it. It’s fascinatingly blatant.
I’m also expecting them to do a role reversal with NotAsuka 02 in the driver’s seat (honestly thought they were already hinting at that when NotShinji ‘blacked out’ during his first sorte with 02).

Is it still booming? All the big studios from when I worked there seem to be collapsing and there’s lots of little ones that seem to churn like crazy. Maybe that’s enough, but with housing prices, I’d want a reliable income.
Also, just to be clear, not trying to dispute you. I’m honestly curious. I wouldn’t mind

Unfortunately, it DOES exacerbate arrhythmia, so I have had to give up the bitter bean :(

This is a skit, right? It’s pretty funny.

Is the Chipotle near my house the worst Chipotle ever? I haven’t figured out the love for it (and if you saw me, you’d know I know my way around a burrito), but I’m starting to think it’s the one near me.
But it’s so bad, I don’t want to waste a “trip meal” on one to see if it’s different.

No hydrospanner?

Are they repealing Chick Neutrality? :(

... surprising absolutely no one...

Yeah, like I need this thing electrified.
