Fukko The Clown

It’s so fucked up. There’s one electoral vote per 180,000 voters in Wyoming, but in California, they get only 1 per 680,000 voters. But it’s in the Constitution, so to get rid of it, 2/3 of the states would have to sign off on an amendment switching to the popular vote, and only about a third of states get electorally

Trump did not win by a landslide at all. Hillary Clinton handily won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes (a fact that chaps Trump’s pockmarked ass to this day.) Unfortunately, it didn’t matter because the US determines the winner of the Presidency via the electoral college, wherein an arcane and outdated

I hate to say this...but I see an X-Files “home” situation here. If the oldest child is 29, and the mother is 49, and there is a 2 year old child, I’m betting the 2 year old didn’t come from the 47 year old being pregnant. 

Social worker here. You’d be surprised how shitty state agencies run when it involves the health and welfare of children. I would encourage you to look up Danieal Kelly. One of the most extreme cases of neglect I’ve read about. I seriously reconsidered working with kids after reading about the case. Also, you’ll going

All Starbursts are delicious. However, only green M&M’s are good, all the other colors taste awful.

I don’t know if there was record turnout, but one fucked up thing about the U.S. is that the person with the most votes doesn’t always win. Just ask Al Gore. Or Hillary Clinton, who got some 65 million votes to Dirty Donnie’s 62 million.

No. It was in fact one of the lowest turnouts and he lost the popular vote by 3 million. If it hadn’t been for the Electoral College, this shitstain wouldn’t be president. He effectively has no real mandate to govern.

I’ll disagree there. His stupidity is a huge problem, but his racism and just his all-around malignancy is by far a bigger deal. Gerald Ford was stupid but benign, so his gaffes eclipsed his misdeeds, and the country wasn’t instantly on the verge of burning to the goddamn ground like it is now. If anything, we should

“I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed.”

Once POTUS can call whole countries “shitholes”, we can do witout the *****’s.

She’s a gender equality t***

i legitimately and literally learned that megan markle is a person of color on jez/theroot.

“She’s a ‘gender equality t***. She’s obsessed with race”.

I truly believe we’re never getting rid of him. I mean, I guess 2024 is the absolute possible end, but I don’t think we’re getting out of jail free before that.

Something like this would break almost any other politician. But for Trump, it’s just another day at the office.

I hate him so much. Sometimes it consumes me. This porn star thing is just another stupid thing that won’t change anything (I’m glad for the reporting of it, just feeling despondent)

and en suite means the bedroom has an attached bathroom.

Bazinga! You win.

Know the best part of dead baby jokes? ............

Satanic Temple makes me happy. I love smart, clever people.