Fukko The Clown

When I was in college and still a practicing Muslim (not a great practitioner, more of a please-forgive-all-these-sins-I’m-definitely-committing type; your standard fare Easter-and-Xmas-Only Christian), I used to have a lot of people get uncomfortable when they had seen my Qur’an.

So it turns out the shooter chose New Zealand because it’s an innocent society. Fuck me. 

We’re lucky to have her. She’s usually a very polished speaker, I haven’t seen her struggle to hold her composure like she did yesterday - captured the mood of New Zealand perfectly 

I hope we handle it as well as Australia did after Port Arthur. Fingers crossed 🤞 

Fun fact, desensitization can be related to depression.

New Zealander here and long time Gawker reader.This is an absolute gut-punch. The TV is saying up to 27 people shot. This stuff just doesn’t happen here. The whole country is in shock, the prime minister just spoke, she looked like a ghost. I hope this doesn’t end our innocence as a society. I hope those in a position

DON’T WATCH THE VIDEO. The shooter livestreamed the attack and apparently people are sharing it on social media. Please do not watch it. There is nothing to be gained from watching the murder of real people. You do not want those memories.

I don’t know, opiate-related constipation would explain all the shit coming out of her mouth.

Hit by a car on the way to the abortion clinic, like in Party of Five!

I feel like Jennifer Lawrence is currently experiencing the same backlash that Anne Hathaway experienced. Like, I log on one day and suddenly everyone is so fucking sick of her and she’s so goddamn annoying but I don’t recall anything that would make people feel that way. I mean, she dated an older guy and they did a


“Loosing” is among my biggest pet peeves in commonly misspelled words, and no, its use is not limited to weight loss forums.

I can’t find anything else I lost, my mind, memory, but I can find my lost weight.

Is this 12th school shooting in 2018? What in the fuck. Everyone will want to pray, but that hasn’t proven to do shit, so how about something else?

House cat!?!? They can take out full grown human soldiers...

You can buy cricket flour - it’s just roasted, dehydrated crickets ground down to fine powder - and use it in cooking. No gross-out factor involved, and it’s nutty-tasting, and high-protein, high-fiber.

Sidenote: Witchetty grubs actually taste good.

Maybe they were originally planning to name the kid “South”, then realized they couldn’t trademark her name for branding purposes.

Women are cast as the moral backbone of the society, so they become the custodians of sex. It’s men’s to take and women’s to keep. A woman’s worth is tied to how fiercely she guards it, so boys are conditioned to think ‘good girls’ say no and they are the ones worth pursuing. Her worth increases the more they have to

This Aziz Ansari story has really shaken me. As some of you may remember (or maybe not, I’m certainly not that important), a month or two ago something finally clicked in my head- that I had been sexually assaulted when I was a teenager by my boyfriend at the time. We were both 16 (plus or minus a year, I can’t quite