Fukko The Clown

Brilliant post, and so accurate. My friends always side-eye me when I mention that I’d be interested in reading the Qur’an (even though I’ve never picked up a bible). But all of my Muslim friends are peaceful people who don’t harbour hatred towards “the infedels” but are committed to their religion, much more than any

Was just reading that in today’s paper. This will forever be a stain on New Zealand’s history. I’ve visited there (even though I live in Perth) and it’s such a beautiful, peaceful and friendly place. And Ithink that Jacinda Ardern certainly did capture the mood of New Zealanders, I’d be proud to have her as PM.

Don’t judge me, but how does one gain access to the video. Common sense tells me that it would have been posted on YouTube, does it keep getting taken off?

Well your Prime Minister has been awesome. Her speech was inspirational. 

Amen. Australian here and I am in utter disbelief. At the time of writing this the death toll is at 40. The worst we’ve had in Australia was the Port Arthur massacre in 1995 (35 dead).

Deserves more stars.

Here in Australia we’ve always had a bit of a tradition of streakers at cricket matches. Unfortunately the cops started dolling out much harsher punishments so, sadly, it’s now a fairly rare occurrence:(

Fucking hell. As a non-American I am constantly BAFFLED by the fucking mass shootings and lack of change to gun-control laws. Now, I’m not saying we are perfect, but bear with me here....

Blood oath. We have a carnivorous species here in Australia. It’s staple diet is small cows, sheep & kangaroos, but every now and then a small child gets taken, sadly.

  • “Lena Dunham revealed she underwent a hysterectomy. [Vogue]”

I can attest to this. And as an Australian I consider it a rite of passage.

I think that you articulated it just fine love.

Wow. That does seem like a very flawed system. Thanks for the info.

Don’t feel bad. I was going to post exactly the same thing but thought, “maybe this will be revealed in the comments”. And here we are.

“If anything, we should feel lucky that Trump is too stupid to be more successful at being evil.”

Know what I love, Pumpkin? BOOBS!

This is strange to me because here (Australia) if there’s a bathroom adjoining a bedroom it’s always called an en suite. Do you guys just call it a bathroom?

$20 says he’ll be asassinated. And the asassin will be hailed as a national hero.

This is so true it’s actually kinda sad.

I’m Australian but we tend to follow US politics pretty closely. Just yesterday my brother-in-law commented: “How the hell did they (the US) go from an articulate, inspirational leader like Obama to Donald fucking Trump?”