Fukko The Clown

So true and isn’t it crazy? The legal high is the most difficult thing to cut ties with.

Don’t worry. There will always be money in the banana stand.

If milk chocolate was better than dark chocolate it wouldn’t have to be cloyingly sweet. Ill take a smooth earthy psychopath over a sugary masked sociopath any day.

This is good.

“What I’ve actually learned is that the work of keeping your path clear is a continual process, one so all-consuming that you may not ever have the time to look up and see where you’re going”

Nothing suspicious about conveniently having a breathalizer handy when you leave an addict alone with a bottle of vodka. Move along, there’s nothing to see here.

I will never understand the love people have for Oprah. She’s enabled every woo slinging shill that comes along at the expense of actual doctors and treatment. I would roll my eyes and give no fucks except that she gave Jenny McCarthy a platform to spread her lying ass antivaxxer propaganda and that is fucking

I once had a therapist ask me if she can put me in a book she was working on - four sessions after meeting her. When it becomes clear that my pain is part of your career stepping stone, then it’s hard for me to have confidence that you’re invested in my healing. It’s unethical to flagrantly prioritize entertainment

He exploits vulnerable people and well-meaning relatives to coerce their loved ones to go on his show. I don’t even think he and others like Dr. Drew are licensed anymore. Makes you wonder what kind of impact he’s made privately on patients before money and the fame.

This show was on in the breakroom of one of my jobs one day. They were “helping” a lady who had rampant anxiety and depression, with her anxiety branching more and more into agoraphobia as well. Robin appeared, saying that it is tough to self-care when one is depressed (true) and therefore, she was gifting her the

Fuck Dr. Phil, and not in the sexy way. All shows like this are predatory, as far as I’m concerned. They say they have two objectives: to entertain and inform. Neither of those things involve ethically ensuring people who need help get it. I’m glad that Herzog is able to say that his experience was a net positive, but

The last 30 minutes of his shows are now pitches for his son’s publishing company and Robin’s skincare line. It’s not difficult to imagine that helping people is secondary to him and his staff.

How about when you and another person are in a public bathroom and it’s dead silent and you try to pee but can’t and the other person isn’t peeing either so you feel really uncomfortable and start making noise like rolling out 5 feet of toilet paper and opening and closing the tampon container?

Smorgas all the way. Fight me in the comments.

Funny you think they don’t know how to get in.

Celebrity bloggers - they’re just like us!

There is one thing that will (80 percent of the time) cause me to have a panic attack: thinking that I might have a panic attack.

If you are around elderly folks a lot, you learn a couple things: 1. You have about a 50/50 chance your kids will care for you when you are old and within the ones who do, there’s a good percentage who are doing it to get at your money. Your best bet is have kids, love them but don’t count on them to help when you’re

Yep, that’s right up there with Piven.

where she was sued by a contestant who alleged that Banks “humiliated” her daughter on set by suggesting she was “accidentally conceived,” in addition to physically manipulating and abusing her as well.