Fuckminster Buller

Don't forget job!

I see goth as more of a lifestyle than a genre where music that conforms to that lifestyle gets labeled goth regardless of what actual genre the music is.

Jesus, this reads like an Adam Sandler film.

I completely agree with the analysis of Eraserhead, though I'd also add that the black and white aesthetic and dingy old New York feel of the film also plays as a criticism of modern (circa 1920?) city life. There's all these weird machines and clanging sounds that drive this undercurrent of isolation and

Or, to use a slightly less controversial point, isn't that what happens to Shakespeare all the time?


Mcintosh or gtfo.

Jesus, what a difference 100 years makes. Every gadget this day and age is smart, so it's fascinating to me that another generation looked at something else with the human element removed and called it dumb.

I thought she was kind of a poser in Sneaker Pimps but hearing Tigermouth turned me the fuck around.

This distinction already exists in horror, it just usually comes up as the Western vs. Asian horror debate.

Fully admitted. I actually wiki-ed Wang OS before posting because I wasn't sure if you were making the joke already.

"Excuse me, can you convert 8-inch Wangs to 3.5 floppies?"

Day 4000: In think I finally found a five-second video clip of "Ant's Marching" in amongst the AOL discs, however, my search for a functioning Director plugin to run them has been in vain.

What about like, sexy Donald Trump? You could call it Donald T. Rump?

See I feel that was the real morale of the story, the weird viral way demand for the pig-fucking catches hold and then at the end how everyone regrets urging it on. Everyone needed to know the stakes so that the viewer understands that it wasn't just a bad joke gone long but more of the danger of letting emotions

For the birds, Trump-Pence d'bags.

Red Dead Retrospection

Yeah, I only got about ten hours into it because I went in trying to min-max like a gta game. I really need to get back to this.

That Pablo dream where he rips his face off reminded me of the cover to Dead Alive as well.

I find breakfast to be awful, but lunch-dinner is usually ok.