Fuckminster Buller

Blink and you’ll miss it!

“Who fucking said Chuck E. Coli? I’ll beat your fucking ass!”

It took way too many “load more comments” hits to find this

Forget about it, Jake.  It’s Karl Anthony Towns.

“The real cat was in you all along”

Don’t forget the human Team Cockroach. From Eleanor selflessly giving up Chidi to Jason learning restraint to Tahani learning to accept being a less important member to Chidi doing (not sure what goes here yet), the original humans have shown that they can grow into better people regardless of who’s keeping score or

So in retrospect it’s basically paranormal multi-level marketing...

Now playing

I can bob my head to the New Radicals beat, but if we’re talking best late-90s pop act criticizing capitalism and rock stardom then my go-to choice will always be Chumbawba crucifying Cliff Richards and forcing Paul McCartney to irrigate Ethiopia with his fake LiveAid tears.

It’s really taking a pounding.

Then why was there a guy with a ‘Free Mumia’ sign in front of Subway on campus?

As a former Californian I’m all for this comparison.

Is that the band with that guy that sounds like Homer Simpson? They’re pretty good though I heard some of them went on to join a Coldplay rip off called New World Order. That song “How Does It Feel” is good though.

Hey, eyes down here.

It’s not that wall-fucking feels good it’s that they are so compelled to fuck that they he will continually push her backwards until he hits something. In the 70s there were experiments about tethering two about-to-fuck movie couples together in parallel but opposite directions to create an electricity-generating

You should do a GoT-themed follow-up to Stone Cold Crazy called Stark Raving Mad.

I was hoping someone was going to call him Queenslayer.

What, so no sly thumbs up from the Night King as Jon walks north?

It’s public works to employ all of the out-of-work soldiers.

I don’t mind the Danny heel turn and I don’t see a problem with the foreshadowing but what I do see a problem with is the execution. The corrupting nature of power isn’t the result of finally attaining the throne (the surrender of Kings Landing) it’s the slow errosion of decency as you struggle to achieve the throne

Alternate Prediction: Bran wargs into Danaerys and becomes the new ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.