Fuckminster Buller

Hot take: everyone has been taking Star Wars way way way way way more seriously than they should have been since about 1993 at least, if not earlier, and everyone should shut up about it for a few years.

My takeaway was does Oprah book all her guests that way?

The Downward Spiral

There are not nearly as many good World War I movies as WWII movies, but all of them seem focused on the war after it became bogged down in trenches. There is a real need for a movie about the first days weeks of the war, as the old ways of fighting come up against new ways, cavalry charges against machine guns and

I don’t know how much The Dream captured the wide public’s imagination, but I love that first season so much.

I’m torn. I think anything that undoes this whole series as “part of the test all along” cheapens it. It retroactively removes all stakes from the game. Michael has had his own continual revelations himself throughout this, he clearly did not know how things worked. But similarly, for it to stick to the endgame of “oh

Definitely the last one.

There’s still the odd line (like the Facebook/America one) but it’s been an intriguing, rather than laugh out loud funny, show for a while now. I must admit, I miss the laugh out loud version.

When you have a game this fucking complex, the easiest way to explain the plot is to definitely compare it to other forms of pop culture.


In the photo above, the guy on the left looks like he’s wearing a really tall, green wig.

I had that same excitement hearing the fanfare at the beginning and seeing that blue text before the score kicked in. The rest of the movie had me confused. I felt like that guy on the beach at the beginning of Saving Private Ryan who was just lumbering around looking for his arm. I remember walking out of the theater

*Bono punches through straw boater*

There’s some pretty good artists on this unheard list, but that top 20 is brutal. 1999 was a terrible year for popular music. Especially for a young man who was mostly into Rock. It got so bleak that I was listening to P.O.D. and Creed. [shudder]

There’s layers to this. Well done

Mr. Clarke! Ahhh he might be my favorite underused character on this show. Lucas’s family is up there too.

I loved going to the grocery store with my mom as a kid and reading MAD in the magazine section while she shopped. I never bought a single issue or know anyone who did. I did rent the Spy vs Spy NES game a lot though. That game was pretty dope.

Here's yer Dubya!RATM track: