Fuckminster Buller

They're actually starting to break back out of the niche now that EVO's a successful esports competition. And the popularity of games like Divekick show both the universal appeal (I got my Dad even playing it) and the breadth of people now familiar with fighting tournament in-jokes.

Yeah, the Saturn is like a game console that came from an alternate future where 3D games never got past the novelty stage and 2d remained the norm. It does fantastic with all the Capcom and Sega 2d (and pseudo 3D) games and has a huge staple of SNES style RPGs.

I didn't catch that your comment was earnest, I actually haven't seen any of those movies so I just assumed that cousin Marv and Caterpillar were similarly dissasterous roles. But yeah, Julia is the posterboy for going out in your worst role (my friends call it the Raul Julia effect).

I very vividly remember sitting in dentist chairs in the 90s listening to those very same songs.

Don't forget Raul Julia's career defining performance as M. Bison.

I can only imagine what kind of mid 90s VH1-hell Canadian radio is like. That shit has got to be wiggity wiggity wiggity chilliwhack.

Wow, Down in a Hole looks lost in that lineup but I'd fly to Philly just to hear those all played together!

I wouldn't say just rock but definitely more popular music. And that's not to say there aren't outliers, but generally 30 is the age where you go from a young person to just a person and that tends to muddle things up a bit.

I'm still amazed at what songs are still in rotation. I don't think I've heard Pavement's "Cut Your Hair" or Smashing Pumpkins "Rocket" on the radio since the 90s, but I'll be damned if I can't spin the dial and find Desiree's "You Gotta Be" or Matchbox 20's "Push" somewhere in regular rotation.

I have this theory that the age of 30 is really the cutoff point for good music (either they flame out before then, go out with a classic album and disappear, or just completely slide into mediocrity). The 70s bands started pretty young which is why they got their ten year runs, but Smashing Pumpkins had already been

I keep getting this vibe that David Ayer hired whoever for this throwaway roll in his next cash cow and Leto just decided that this was going to be his goddamn defining performance and outdo Heath Ledger. Seriously, what sort of jackass goes full method for a cameo in a third rate superhero movie?

Also, Mac the Knife will always be associated with McDonalds in my mind.

California Dreaming and Chungking Express. It's really the only way I've ever been able to tolerate that song.

More like the JV Club, amirite?

It's a shame that Chunsoft's sound novels 428 and Machi have never been released in English. Both have at least six loosely connected characters whose stories intertwine over the course of a few days. Save-scumming is the main gameplay device, where one character might kick an elevator control panel in frustration

I can't figure out if the whole Trump is a Manchurian candidate argument that's going on right now is the left wing version of the Obama will secretly put the US under Sharia law claim. The claims are more realistic against Trump because man does that guy talk without thinking but I still can't shake that we're going

Now you've created your own Trump Steak.

What if you fuck a gun?

Counterpoint, I don't think I've ever been so "fuck the world" as the last time I visited Dubuque or had its world famous Japanese food.

Wow, the animation is actually worse than the original.