Fuckminster Buller

Yeah, I felt that Piscatella basically rebelling against Caputo was one of the few things that didn't feel "right" this season. He comes across as a hard ass for the rules and chain of command and him and Caputo have had a decent relationship so it never really made sense that he would undermine Caputo to the level

I only noticed this during the recap at the start of season 2, but that Price speech looks like a Nazi gathering with the black and white Evil Corp logo surrounded in red in the center.

I'm with you on this. The first half of the episode is Eliot showing you that he spends every meal and every afternoon watching basketball with Leon. But the final scene where Ray tells Eliot they spoke on the phone, Leon is nowhere to be seen. It was so obvious I'm pretty sure the show wants us to know Leon is

I can't remember what she was like on the outside but I've always thought of Nikki as more of a hedonist and that the only way she can get her rocks off in prison is with girls or drugs.

I thought the key was to not get married.

Didn't they get he for trying to "assault" an officer when she pulled out her rain stick on the bike cops?

Sorry, I should have explained that better. You're absolutely right that the story misses a beat, it's a defining point in the book and huge mental influence on Broadhead. I just meant that there were no real social consequences to it. In a more recent book he would have been thrown in the brig and ostracized by

I read these in like junior high and just got around to re-reading them last year and whole-heatedly agree. The second book where they visit the factory is fairly decent, but it all goes down hill once the Heechee become characters. Gateway though, is great and terrifying. And rather shocking in how modern

I don't know why no one has realized this yet, but this problem is endemic to the majority of the developers that are still around from the 2D era. What do MN9, Sonic 2006, Godus, FFXIII, and MGSV have in common? Massive delays and huge problems with scope.

Okay, that's terrifying though I wonder why no one else is complaining about this. It's another use of rape as punishment, and in this case the punishment doesn't really match what Unella meant to Cersei anyway.. Unella was always a bit character compared to the Sparrow and her punishment should have been something

After Lady Mormont's rousing speech, after the men of the north pledge to the one true king of the north, Jon Snow, I was waiting for him to clear his throat and then sort of under his breath say that actually Sansa's going to be the lord. I mean, that's what they decided, right? I'm not making this up?

They aren't very well known outside of Japan and the turntablist scene last I checked but best is hands down HIFANA.

Come on guys, Equus ex Machina™️

So is Dawn Weiner a euphemism for morning wood?

On the you're wrong side, Jif pronunciation is the smoothed pronunciation of the acronym. GIF is pronounced spelled out like its cohorts HTML and PNG, but like "can not" became "can't", and J-P-E-G became j-peg, Jay-Ai-Ef became Jif.

So yay, ding dong the witch is dead and all but really? Really? I feel cheated, Ramsay was clearly better armed, better prepared, and better disciplined. Not only does he deliver on the trap Sansa predicts, he follows up twice over. His plan to draw out Jon's men with his own and then kill everyone is brilliant in

Jesus Davos, what is with you and shitting?

I feel more like its whether the bread is prepared with the meal or whether you use pre-existing bread (that is, whether the bread part can be eaten as-is on its own before preparing the dish). Pizza and calzone crust isn't also eaten befor preparing, so those meals are not sandwiches. Croque Monsiur bread and pita

Only semi-related but in Japan they cut a hot dog bun down the vertical center instead of around the side.

I felt like like Westmooreland was supposed to be the old guy from Rachel's dream/Cosima's savior. He looks to be the leader of the Others on the other side of the island.