Fuckminster Buller

I disagree with the article on the ending speech from Monica. From the start of the episode I got the vibe that Richard wasn't actually that happy with the beta either, but was going along with everyone once they started shouting success. I was waiting for Richard to agree with Monica during her speech and suspect

On the other hand, The Smiths still won't have reunited so that should be easier.

With one of them flaming it's all just a theory anyway.

Also, "Oh the Bachmanity."

I wonder if that's true or if there are like a ton of white supremacists out there saying "man that guy's a fucking rich tool but at least he's getting rid of the A-rabs/Mexicans/Jews/Women."

Yeah, though I was like "Art, don't let him talk. There's no way you won't regret letting him speak" during that entire scene.

Did anyone have the Mac version? It came out a few years of envy and Marathon later but somehow during that time it ballooned to something like 32 3.5" floppies. To this day I do not know what was taking up that extra space.

I loved that we got to see what the official story was turning out to be, that people knew the Lannisters were a bit creepy and that Ned was thought to be a bumbling buffoon.

I always thought that song would go great with The Running Man racing short from Liquid Television.

I think that every movie preview should include Absurd or Atom Bomb by Fluke like even though they are middling electronics tracks from like 20 years ago.

Richard has a clear vision for how the compression platform will grow but no image for how it will generate revenue, how and at what speed the staff will grow, or how to structure the company for maximum efficiency. That makes him a great CTO but a lousy CEO.

Early synth tones are timeless, but mid 90s crossover electrionic ( Bowie's Earthling, Satriani's Engines of Creation, etc) sounds super dated. I think it's the mostly the reliance on using default sounds for the synths and samples but it just sounds amateurish now.

You were down in it, but now you are up above it!

No one expects to encounter Dat Boi. This is why we forever greet him with the phrase Oh Shit.

I think their ad network is having issues. I haven't seen the problems you have, but I was having issues with ads redirecting me to some random site from the AV Club top page a couple of days ago. Either it's a new network with shady clients or the old network had lowered its standards.

Also, Save The Green Planet, and Memories of Murder.

Kairo is my all time favorite j-horror film and possibly flat out favorite horror film of all time. There are some absolutely haunting images in there (the scene under the stairs, the first body they find) and the film is incredibly bleak and hopeless. It's not for everyone but if you are looking for the slowest of

2016: Don't Stop Bereaving.

Sad to see no representation for the 90s. Counting Crows created one of their happiest early songs about nuclear annihilation with the song "Einstein on the Beach."

I usually love that stuff (yay Tom Tom Club and Falco) but this song runs too monotonous for me.