
JayZ...when did that asswipe show up in the conversation? Somebody needs to shove a piece cake down that motherfucker's throat!

Why thank you, dear.

So what you are saying is that this is very effective.

Personally, I prefer to "grab, squeeze, twist, and pull;" I like to save the kick or stomp for once they are on the ground. I'm old fashioned like that.

Maybe I'm old, but this does not seem funny to me.

I don't give a good god damn if he is Jesus hanging on the cross, when men in the public eye behave this way, ordinary women have to deal with the asstards who think it's ok to treat women like shit. A woman can't even walk down the street in peace any more, without some sophomoric dickweed pestering her.

Circus Freaks? Who let in the Circus Freaks?!

Nancy is batshit crazy!

At least she has the balls to say somehing about this reprehensible bastard, while everyone else just stands around grinning in his face.

Let me just say this, and then I will move on: Steve Harvey is a shit stained ass wipe.

Thank you, because I was pretty sure I did not say anything to warrant that response. I'm a big believer in empowerment, independence and self love. I find Jourdan's comment sad and disappointing to say the least. I certainly hope that her comment is not a reflection of a generation of young women. I am part of


Neither have I, and I'm not sure what to think of women who believe such.

Let's get real shall we: Cosby is a target of scorn becasue he is a Black man who may have behaved badly. If he were Charlie Sheen, Al Gore, Woody Allen, John Travolta, Sean Penn, Roman Polanski, etc. or just some random white guy in a fraternity, 10 years from now we would still be debating whether the accusations

This is a 'real' problem?

Tell me again why going to a frat party is a good idea...

Not this, BUT THIS: Women were paid 78 percent of what men were paid for the same work.