Thank you.
Thank you.
Fad Diet = A Cleanse (I never would have guessed that.)
Interesting... So is she a feminist?
Bless you...
No One True Scotsman
Oh that Nicki, she is such a dear.
Sometimes you have to take the hard road.
Damn, are they still coming after you?
People only hear what they want to hear.
I feel like this belongs here:… Of course most of you will disagree and start shouting "victim blaming," but I really think we need to start talking about the world we live in as women and dangers it poses for each of us, instead of talking about the the world we wish we lived in…
You can't stop yourself, can you?
You have no point...Janice said what she said, AND I DO NOT BELIEVE HER.
Janice doesn't even know what she took, but you do...
Why would a grown man have medicine for menstrual cramps? No....never mind. I'm done.
Aspirin...Is that what Janice said? No, Janice said fresh out of rehab she took an unknown/unidentified drug from a man she just met. Did she have kool-aid with that aspirin?
According to Janice, she was fresh out of rehab...that means no drinking and no drugs, nothing that can interfer with an addicts preception. And NO, I do not accept pills from people I don't know. Do you accept pills that you can't identify from people you don't know? Get serious....