I didn't say WOC specifically, but off the top of my head:
I didn't say WOC specifically, but off the top of my head:
No One True Scotsman is the name of a logical fallacy. The usual example given for the fallacy is:
It means that somewhere, out there, is a prominent feminist - or a celebrity who happens to identify as a feminist - who will never fuck up in the public eye. (See also: unicorn)
Agreed! It's the idea of "art for arts sake." Is there no place for just having stupid songs about stupid things, or any variation on that theme? Does everything have to be deconstructed to within an inch of it's life?
I like "Anaconda" because I don't take it seriously.
Good points, but that doesn't really jive with my pathological need to feel morally superior to as many people as possible.
No, they lower the standards of anything they're on. Put them on the side of a garbage bag, and the contents will devalue.
"Just so we get to see these pearl clutchers strangle themselves to death."
Finding Kanye and Kim too tacky for words isn't pearl clutching, it's having eyeballs and a functioning brain.
Just in time for the UN's International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. :(
I disagree. We can ascertain that mistakes were made and learn from them without victim blaming. Admitting you made a mistake or pointing out a mistake does not equate to victim blaming. I'm not victim blaming and I don't hold her responsible at all for what happened to her. I think she made a massive mistake going…
Did it really hit 32 degrees in Hawaii? That's noteworthy, who cares about Kimye!
I wanted to let everyone who now feels like they didn't do enough to prevent themselves from being raped to be reminded of a couple things -
Oh HELL no. No. All of the no. Miles and miles of no. Universes and star systems of no. Infinities of no.
I expressed uncertainty because of the stunts she's pulled for attention in the past, but not because she's an addict or has mental illness. I think some doubt is reasonable. But I also don't think those of us who doubt the story should grab our pitchforks and accuse her — there's a big difference between wondering if…
Also, I'd like to direct your attention to a reply I made to another commenter where I feel like I do the best job of summing up my feelings on the matter. Make of them what you will:
Oh my god, you are going to get so much shit for this completely rational response, and I wish you wouldn't. I wish that conversation could happen, because it needs to happen. Not to protect the alleged victim in this case, because it's too late for that, but to possibly maybe just on the off-chance protect someone…