
Don't know her. Don't like him. Team Fuck Tebow for the WIN!

If men were going through the things women are going through today...

What? You feel...WHAT?

Regardless of race, ethnicity, gender idenity, economics, social status, or education All Women Are Vulnerable. What are WE going to do about it?


Rather than read the myriad of excuses being proffered in explanation for this mess, I offer this: "Why do you keep expecting White people to be something other than what they are?"

...30 years old, single, lives with his parents, come on! He takes his father's business; his mom thought he was God's gift. He's Jewish; give it up! — Robin Williams

He has violated the State Bar's Code of Ethics. This is more than enough for him to be disbarred. He may even face civil liability for his actions.

Exactly. Frankly, I think it is well past time we started to talk about the world as it is and not how it should be or how we wish it were. Why do we keep pretending like women are ever safe? Can you tell if a man is safe by looking at him? How does giving men the benefit of the doubt ever protect women?

Yes. Now what was your point? That's right you don't have one, and I'm sure you won't let that stop you.

Yeah sure, sure...whatever you say... ya' simple bitch.

So? You still want to be her, because she has everything you will never have, including class.

...and you STILL want to be her.


How is giving them your money hate watching? It would seem to me that every dollar they receive is a reward, and further encourages and supports them.

I'm taking the EVA Air Hello Kitty flight from Singapore to Taipei for Hanukkah...I love that Kitty!

Go in peace...