
Of course you don't, and you are unwilling to listen to anyone who might be able to help you to understand. Never the less, the world keeps right on spinning.

As always, it's amazing what people will say when they don't want to take responsibility for their actions.

Can I ask, does it matter if your vagina does or does not look like someone else's? Seriously, it's ok to be you.

You are only ever responsible for the decisions that you make, not the decisions of others, unless you allow others to make decisions for you.

No, corn is too expensive. Walmart is probably passing off processed assorted "animal" parts as meat; have you ever seen a retired Walmart employee?

Only a fucking cheap-ass-moron would buy food products from China!

His mother has "significant social skills deficits."

There should have been a scramble to see who could get to Aviva's leg first and then use it to beat the fuck out of that lying-drunkass-manipulative bitch Ramona!

Thank you.

Yes they are all uniquely marvelous, and they should be worshiped as is their due. (NSFW)

Well said. However, the "Why should I have to protect myself, let's teach men not to rape..." contingent will be along shortly to burn you at the stake.

Get off the ledge.

This is an "I love you, Beyonce!" fan letter.

Frankly, I find it offensive when women choose to fall back on explanations such as this to excuse not owning their own bullshit.

You are doing this to yourselves, but you are never going to figure that out are you?

Put him back on the curb where you found him.


Women are not conditioned. We are not trained pets. We are human beings. We make choices. Those choices have consequences. If you don't like the consequences make a different choice, not an excuse.

Just this once, could you just not...