
Hank? Is that really you, Hank? Man it's been a long time. You still shilling for the man? I guess you can't change a player; right, am I right?! Look dude it was nice chatting, but I've got shit to do that doesn't involve you. Feel free to see yourself out. The exit is down the hall, first door on the left, you

You're thinking is decidedly self-serving - that women are helpless to respond in the face of something like this.

You are getting dangerously close to advocating for personal responsibility; there will be none of that here!

You and I are from a time long, long ago when people actually accepted responsibility for their choices, instead of blaming everyone else. How did these children get so damn weak minded?

This is why restaurants have back doors, so you can make a graceful exit without a scene.

You are laying out some serious "women are weak minded" bullshit.

Please stop using the word "feminist" like it is a curse word. I am a feminist (old school), and I think you have a valid point as pertains to the choice of going forward with the date. Frankly, if my daughter continued a date under these circumstances I would be very disappointed in her decision making skills and

This whole conversation is veering dangerously close to "women are to emotional and stupid to know their own minds," and I don't like that.

Fuck I don't know, maybe "free food" was the draw?!

I hate it! I hate it! I hate it, but I have to agree with you — those are some big ass mixed signals she is sending. Worse yet she accepts no responsibility for doing so, BUT he's the asshole — no, I don't think so!

I'm overlooking the dick pic? WTF! How about not responding at all and blocking cowboy's number.

This is why men don't understand what the fuck is going on with young women. Hell, I'm a woman and I don't understand why she would want to have anything to do with this guy.

Amen! Amen! How can you expect teens to know how to act when you have adults who can't get their shit together in public.

That is a lot to unpack in justifying your decision to continue to make an ill advised choice, but you go right ahead.

According to the public safety section of the Metropolitan Police Department, Igarashi e-mailed a URL containing the vagina data to a 30-year-old male office worker in Kagawa Prefecture on March 20.

When is the "sex-positive crew" coming to tell us how having sex with strangers is smart and empowering? I'm waiting...

"Is that the downward spiral of my career?"

Of course Walmart's Great Value bars don't melt, they are made from meat.

"It is one of those things that happen, nobody feels good about it...

That explains so much about Mississippi.