
What no swaggering strut with a cigar, that was the best part of the movie?!


I have read through these posts with horror, dismay, disgust and retching. Let me tell you children something THIS SHIT WRONG! If you think you are being sex positive by doing things like this you are WRONG! This is not about ''judging and shaming" any more, this is just WRONG! Any person who tells you this is ok

Some guys...WHAT? Sorry folks this IS NOT about men. This woman had 24 dicks in her mouth in less time than it took for me to read this article; that bitch is nasty and stupid.

Without the bunny this is a non-news story, how sad for us all.

I wonder how she missed that?

Ha, good one!

Fibonacci aka "Notch." He is a rescue from a puppy mill in Texas. He was all heart and bones when we got him 6 years ago, now he is all fart!

No, I'm just playing around — I don't really know who or why these people are! Moreover, you know you love it and you have to admit I can "turn a phrase."

Nice suit, did you use club soda to get the blood stains out?

Allow me to interject some levity...

Oh now that you mention it she might have some talent. I just wonder where...

I'm just going to leave this here...


Yes, and some take credit for the work of others when they have no talent at all. Of course you may be one of those who think being a blonde white girl is a 'real' talent.

Lawd, White people...

He certainly makes a better looking woman than Iggy...and he actually has talent!

Iggy is a talentless hack riding the coattails of Black women who have worked longer and harder than she has at anything in her life. Keeping silent in the face of the truth is not an act of class on her part when she should be apologizing for thinking herself worthy to stand in the shadow of those who have come


Amen! I have a 7lb dachshund that is a fart on four legs; the little monkey "gaslights" my kid for fun!