
How did your standards get so low?

Very, very little class...

I have been living in Southeast Asia for the past 5 years. For more than 10 years I have traveled the region extensively, including Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, all of which have large Chinese populations in addition to mainland China. Consequently, I do know and understand that your comment was little more than

These twins are sharing half a brain, and it is not even in top condition.

You are correct, "room & board" is merely a benefit, not a substitute for compensation. What the hell is wrong with people that they think this is ok?! Damn!

Do you think about these things before you write them, or do you prefer to be stupid spontaneously?!

I thought they said "orange was the new black."

"[D]octors were able to reattach his penis" yes, but WHY?

Why are women still buying LV's tacky shit? Their shit is so low-rent you can get it for free when you open a private banking account.

I hate stupid people.

I wish it had come as a surprise to me!

Just imagine the outrage if he had planned to capture, kill, and eat a man.

Oh look, America's trash is on the front lawn again!

Ann Coulter? Like I care what that bitch thinks.

Wow, you guys can rationalize any kind of behavior as long as it gets you what you want. How did you learn to do that — THAT IS AMAZING?

Fuck, you mean it's NOT!

This is just too easy...

Didn't she know that this was the deal when she took the job, though? No one forced her to accept not receiving a salary, right?

It's keeping your ass off the street isn't it?